In a world where content constantly revolves around commerce, brand journalism can offer a refreshing shift: focusing on stories that connect with consumers rather than skyrocket sales. Brand journalism is defined as a public relations strategy that tells a story about a company that aligns with their values, creating an opportunity for better consumer-company relationships.
Read MoreAs college students, we are told many things. We are told to make it to class on time. We are told to eat well. We are told to complete all our homework and turn it all in before the deadline. We are told to put ourselves out there and participate in extracurricular activities.
Read MoreEntering the workforce feels a lot like dropping a child into a pool; you either sink, float, or swim. The most challenging part is learning how to get from that original splash to a deep-end dive. There are so many factors that impact how you swim, and learning those feels a lot like learning the different aspects to become successful in your job.
Read MoreCurating yourself as a PR professional can seem intimidating. You’re thrust into a world where a well-rounded skillset is the key to success— where a hard-earned mix of both hard and soft skills combine to create seemingly effortless relationships.
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