If someone had told me four years ago that getting involved on campus is one of the most important things you can do to better yourself as a student, I would have most likely moved on. Coming into college is scary and confusing. A lot of people just want to focus on this major life adjustment rather than taking action now to set themselves up for something later.
Read MoreMany Public Relations (PR) students will go into a public relations agency as part of their career; however, working in such an industry is often so fast-paced that it becomes increasingly difficult to practice proper business acumen. Good PR practices typically mean conducting campaigns and projects in a way that is personalized to each client.
Read MoreOver the past two academic years, I have had the pleasure of participating in the West Michigan Public Relations Society of America’s (WMPRSA) Mentor Match Program where I connected with three incredible mentors. Here’s everything you need to know about the program and how it can help you on your journey as a young professional.
Read MoreNational Millenial Gen Z Community (NMGZ) is made up of college and university students, young professionals, faculty, administrators, and civic leaders who participate in multi-generational conversations with an eye toward our future.
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