Posts in Tips
It's Looking Like a PR Summer

As I write this sitting in 80 degree weather, it’s quite obvious that summer is officially here. School’s out, summer internships and side jobs are in full swing, and personally - I still feel some of the winter blues. Although I’m lathering up in SPF and beach days are on the horizon, I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something important.

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Combating Hustle Culture

In the age of LinkedIn updates, side jobs, and packed Google calendars, the world has become obsessed with go-getters. Society loves to praise the young professional who works a 9 to 5, runs an Etsy shop on the side, and leads a committee while they’re at it.

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Mental Health, Tipsblog, pr, prssa, Tips
Let’s Catch Up with GVPRSSA Alumni

Let’s see what past GVPRSSA students are up to after graduation. For this GVPRSSA alumni series, I caught up with Emily Gagnon, the former GrandPR CEO and now a young public relations professional. During her time with GVPRSSA and GrandPR, she won various awards for her dedication to the organizations, such as the PRSSA National Gold Key Award from the PRSA Foundation (alongside 2019-2020 GV PRSSA President Delaney MacKenzie), the Excellence-in-a-Discipline Award from Grand Valley State University Advertising and Public Relations Program, and the Thomas M. Seykora Award for Outstanding Contribution from Grand Valley State University.

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