It's Looking Like a PR Summer

As I write this sitting in 80 degree weather, it’s quite obvious that summer is officially here. School’s out, summer internships and side jobs are in full swing, and personally - I still feel some of the winter blues. Although I’m lathering up in SPF and beach days are on the horizon, I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something important. I ponder this when I remember life doesn’t stop just because the semester is over. Credits are on hold, but that doesn’t mean personal growth is too. So, I say we pack up the idea that summer is the perfect time of year to do nothing and accept it for what it really is: a chance to get ahead AND a time to relax.


Let’s be honest. As PR professionals we’ll never be able to take a complete break. Too many ideas, thoughts, and worries are swirling around for that to occur. However, we still have the capability to set boundaries and know our limits. Just because it’s summer break, you aren’t expected to attend every available webinar and be glued to your computer in hopes to get ahead. Know your limitations and what your intention for summer is! Don’t feel guilty for taking some time to simply do nothing. Scroll endlessly on TikTok, binge watch all the shows, and walk around Target with no agenda. Recharge for yourself.

The Work

While I did just say to take a break and do nothing, I know that it isn’t feasible for three whole months. Bills need to be paid and resumes need to be filled up! Soak up any learning that you can. Whether it be from your internship gaining “real-world” experience or listening to public relations podcasts (I highly recommend PR Hangover), you are growing and becoming a stronger professional. No matter how big or small, any attempt to learn something new is benefitting you. Enjoy a day by the pool, and maybe partner it with a book on the evolution of social media. Personally, I’ll stick to blasting Taylor Swift, but that’s just me.

Keep Up the Motivation

If you’re like me and the summer reminds you of all the work ahead of you and how challenging it could be, say no more. This summer is one step closer to your end goal. Don’t they say the journey is the most exciting part? I urge you to go to Starbucks, sit down with a cute notebook and fun pens, and get done whatever work you have left. Do what you have to do, but make it fun. It’s summer after all! With some PR education, warm weather, and no school - what could be better?

About the Author:

Emma is a senior studying Advertising/Public Relations and Writing. She is currently serving as President of the GVPRSSA Executive Board. This year is her second year involved with PRSSA and GrandPR previously as Podcast Director and Account Associate. Emma hopes to work in a PR agency after graduation (unless she lands her dream job of being Taylor Swift’s publicist). In her free time, Emma enjoys watching movies, listening to music, and spending time with her dogs, Lola & Clementine.