College is different from the movies. It can be very stressful, and at some moments it may feel like everything is falling apart and you have many things to do. College is when balance comes into play.
Read MoreDon Kern is an adventure runner, IT Consultant, freelance writer, and the director of the Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon. He has run over 325 marathons or longer races, in each of the fifty states of the USA twice, in thirty-two countries, and at both the North and South Pole.
Read MoreSocial media marketing is more than just a picture and caption. This week, we will dive deeper into social media marketing, landing that internship, and finding your creative process.
We all know DEI is important but what does it actually look like? Listen to learn more about Joseph Tateoka, the Senior Vice President of learning and development at Edelman and an Adjunct Professor for the School of Communications at Depaul University.
Read MoreIt’s no secret that top-winning companies have strong and effective internal communications teams. These companies thrive on employees that deliver consistently positive results and are aligned with the mission and values of the organization they are working for.
Read MoreThink about the brands you follow on social media. Why do you follow them? It’s most likely because you feel like you’re connecting with a person rather than a brand.
Read MoreCommunications plans all start with the PESO model. This stands for paid, earned, shared, and owned. Owned media takes patience to build traction but is worth the effort and time in the end because it is the only part of the PESO model that you have complete control over. Let’s find out what it takes to build traction as best and quickly as possible.
Read MoreI’ve never seen myself living in Chicago. Michigan has been my home for as long as I can remember, and I have always told myself if I would move away… it would have to be someplace warm.
Read MoreWhat are you doing after college? Where are you working after college? Oh, you don’t have a job yet?
Are you tired of answering these questions?
Read MoreIt seems as if this generation has been striving to call out brands for not being sustainable, testing on animals, and not using ingredients for the best of the public’s interest. Brands are rapidly rebranding themselves to fit these new standards.
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