Balancing The Bull

College is different from the movies. It can be very stressful, and at some moments it may feel like everything is falling apart and you have many things to do. College is when balance comes into play. Living a balanced life in college can be a life-changing thing, especially when it comes to maintaining stress and improving your mental health. 

Balance & Improving Mental Health

When it comes to the word balance, as a college student, that can be vague because 100 different things are going on in your life, such as work, extracurriculars, etc. Overall, it would help if you strive for an excellent school-life balance because you don’t want to be consumed with homework and whatnot. One fantastic way to stay on top of everything is to organize and set your schedule for the week. This can involve making a list, using a planner, etc., regardless you will be on top of your priorities and understand where you are needed. 


When life isn’t balanced, life is stressful. Stress in college is a given, but a large amount of it is not suitable for your health and can impact us in many ways. High amounts of chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease, but this can be avoided with good stress management and awareness. One thing that can help diminish stress is taking a break and engaging in a leisurely activity or hobby. This can help you pause and disconnect from anything that may be stressing you out currently. Goals are crucial to success in college. Creating SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) goals can help you manage your time while keeping on track of things you want to accomplish. These goals can include improving your GPA, aiming for a certain grade in a class, etc. Overall, it allows you to section off specific improvements you want. 

Mental Health

Poor mental health in college can make being successful very challenging. It can lead to low performance, poor attendance, and in many cases dropping out of school. Although taking a break can be a good option for some, it may only apply to some. Some people may need to build a sound support system at their university. Joining a group/club, going to events around campus, etc. can all be a great way to break out of your shell and meet some great supportive people. It is also equally essential to be on top of your health while in college. It can be easy to grab quick fast foods to keep your day moving along, but that can set us back mentally. Eating whole foods that aren't processed can help keep us balanced throughout the day while avoiding those highs and lows. It is also important to stay hydrated and stay physically active as well.

College is challenging. Students struggle with stress and struggling mental health every day, which can, unfortunately, make them fall behind. Luckily, dropping out is not the only option, and there is a lot one can do before making that decision. Staying on top of your priorities and health can be the start of improving your mental health while in college. 


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Nina is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations, with a minor in Digital Studies. She is an Account Associate *Design for GrandPr and has previously worked as a social media intern for a nonprofit organization. Nina loves to be creative and has the end goal of being a creative director for a beauty or lifestyle brand. She plans to stay in the Grand Rapids area after graduation until she makes a move to a warmer state.

GrandPRblog, balance, GVPRSSA