Make The Most of Your Semester

The beginning of the semester is always a stressful time. New classes, a new schedule, and so many things to get involved in. You may find yourself asking, how do I possibly do it all? Check out these tips for making the most of your semester. 

Organization is Key

Write it all down. Something that helps me stay organized when my mind is flooded with assignments and to-do’s is to make a list for everything. While I do keep a digital copy of my schedule on my phone to have on the go, I’ve found that writing in a planner helps me feel very organized and accomplished when I can physically cross something off my list of to-do’s. 

Another organization tip is to plan ahead. Busy weekend coming up? Put an extra hour of work or studying in each night during the week to stay ahead. Time management is so important. It’s easy to say “yes” to everything when trying to make the most of your semester. Prioritizing things that need to be done first will help to not feel you’re falling behind and to not be feeling overwhelmed later. 

Mental Health Breaks

It is important to take care of yourself, especially at the start of the semester when feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Taking breaks is okay! Whether it be going for a walk, watching an episode of your favorite show, or going for a coffee run, set aside some time each day to do something that you enjoy. This will allow you to relax in between working on an assignment or meeting up with a group for a project. 

Take Advantage of Your Resources

Get involved with people that want to help you succeed. Going to your professors' office hours is a great way to build a connection with them and help get a better understanding of the things that you are learning. Don’t wait until you feel behind or before the midterm to stop in, they are there to help you! 

Join a club! The Office of Student Life at GVSU offers over 400+ student organizations. One being, Grand Valley’s chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). Joining GVPRSSA can benefit students majoring in Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing, Communications, Journalism, and more.. It is a great place to network, get a glimpse of post grad careers, gain leadership experience, and make great friends. 

These are just a few of the tips that I try to remember when going into a new semester. Reminding yourself that you will get through that tough class and you’re probably not the only one feeling overwhelmed.

Abagael is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Advertising and a minor in Management. She is currently the Marketing and Development Intern for Senior Neighbors. Abagael is also a Team Leader for Grand Valley’s Telephone Outreach Program, where she assists other student callers in reaching out to alumni and community members to gain support for various funds on campus. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.