Tips for Managing School, Work, & a Social Life During College

College is a prime opportunity and the best time to learn about time management. It is the first time that you are really all on your own and for many of us, we have to start being fully responsible for ourselves. It can be difficult to remember everything you need to get done, what meetings are when and where, all while still having time for yourself. As a junior at Grand Valley State University, I have learned a thing or two about time management that I cannot wait to share with you. 

#1: Be Organized 

Something that I cannot stress enough is how helpful it is to create lists. Every night I sit down at my computer before I go to bed and type a Google Doc of all the things that I need to do the next day, down to the dot! I will include classes, homework, meetings, answering emails/voicemails, doing laundry, and even watering a plant or making dinner. I try to arrange these tasks in chronological order of when I intend to get them done. If there is a quick task on my to-do list, I will try to get it done before I go to sleep so I have one less thing to do the next day. 

Another lifesaver of mine is Google Calendar. At first, I was not a huge fan of Google Calendar and was more of a pen-and-paper type, but now I eat, sleep, and breathe my Google Calendar. I have downloaded the app on my phone and iPad and bookmarked it on my computer so that I can also see what’s coming up no matter where I am. 

#2: Separate School From Your Personal Life

Another suggestion I have is to separate school and your personal life. By this, I mean that school and home are two different places. I prefer to do my homework on campus before or in between classes at the library. If I need to do homework any time after dinner, I prefer going to study rooms at my living complex. I try to limit the time spent doing homework in my room to a minimum. I want my bedroom to be a place where I can relax, not a place associated with doing homework.  

#3: Have a Routine 

Establishing a routine at the beginning of the year is helpful and can lower stress levels as you become busier. Having structure throughout the week allows you to create habits and improve productiveness. At the beginning of the semester, I established a daily and weekly routine for myself to follow, like waking up around the same time and doing laundry on the same day of the week.

Take a look at my weekly routine: 

  • Monday: School

  • Tuesday: School & recreational volleyball league

  • Wednesday: School & laundry

  • Thursday: School & Grand Valley Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)/GrandPR

  • Friday: Clean and do homework during the morning/afternoon & hangout with friends

  • Saturday: Hangout with friends

  • Sunday: Homework & hang out with friends

#4: Prioritize Yourself

It is important to take care of yourself during these crazy and hectic times. I suggest “double dipping” or multi-tasking. Somedays I feel like I have not moved my body enough, or at all, but I also have not spent any time with my friends, so I combine both tasks together. I will go work out with a friend, or my favorite – going on a walk around the neighborhood with my roommate. I find that talking to her about my stressful day while taking time for myself helps me relax, and feel more ‘zen.’ I also like to establish a cut-off time. For example, after 11 p.m. I am done with all my schoolwork. I am usually on top of my work so I don’t stay up that late doing my work, but there are some instances, like midterms and finals week, that I spend a lot of time at my computer and need to cut myself off. 

#5: Plan, Plan, Plan

Now that I have given some suggestions on how to balance work and school, I also want to remind you that you should be having fun with your friends! My roommates and I have a blank color-coded calendar on the side of our fridge that we fill in with the time we have meetings, appointments, work, and more so that we know when everyone is free. When there’s a time that we are all available, we set plans in advance. 

Remember to give yourself grace and that you cannot be perfect all the time. Even the most organized person still feels overwhelmed but I highly recommend taking some of these tips and implementing them into your life to ease some of your stresses!

Abby is a junior majoring in advertising & public relations with an emphasis in advertising and minoring in writing. She holds the Social Media Director position for the GVPRSSA executive board. She has been a member and chair of the Promotions Committee. This year, she will continue to manage the Promotions Committee – so if you have any questions, reach out to her! Over the summer, Abby was a social media intern for a local farm back in Illinois. After college, Abby hopes to work in the sports or entertainment industry! In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family – especially at the lake during summer!