Posts in Leadership
Making First ImPRessions: Tips for Success

It’s that time again, and summer is officially in swing! While this time of year brings us the much-needed time to catch rays, catch up with friends, or catch up on a few hours of sleep, it is also a time for new beginnings. You may be starting in a new internship position, summer job, volunteer opportunity, or getting acclimated with new colleagues at a current workplace.

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Grand Rapids’ Influential Women in PR: Women’s History Month

Ah, Women’s History Month. It is once again that beautiful time to proudly celebrate the accomplishments of women. While I like to treat every month like Women’s History Month, this time of year creates the perfect opportunity to write an entire blog about my favorite thing: influential (and badass) women.

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Morality Matters: Considering Ethics in PR

I have a confession: I love watching public relations play out on the TV screen. I don’t think I’m alone in the fact that Scandal’s Olivia Pope ignited my initial interest in public relations. Watching her cover up a multitude of White House crises was exciting, suspenseful and, frankly, pretty badass. However, as much as we all love the drama Scandal depicts, spinning lies to cover up client mistakes isn’t as glamorous as it looks.

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Lessons Learned from GrandPR (And Why You Should Join!)

As a part of Grand Valley’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter, you have the opportunity to join GrandPR. GrandPR is GVSU’s nationally affiliated, student-run integrated communications firm. As an account executive for GrandPR, I get to lead teams through client work and assign tasks to make sure our work gets finished in a timely manner.

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