The Ins and Outs of 2024 (PR Edition)

New year, new you! It is officially 2024 and as we begin the first semester, we should reflect on the previous year and write some “ins” and “outs” for 2024. Now, if you are unfamiliar with the trend, “ins” are what we are keeping with us in 2024 and what we should be focusing on. The “outs” are what we are leaving behind in 2023. Most individuals have made their own lists of “ins” and “out” and you can too, but here is your guide to the Ins and Outs of 2024, PR edition.

In: Getting Involved in GVPRSSA

Of course the first in is to get involved in Grand Valley’s Public Relations Student Society of America (GVPRSSA). This organization offers so many opportunities to not only learn more about the public relations industry, but also connect with your peers and make new friends. Every other Thursday, as we call it “PR Thursday,'' there is a guest speaker who comes in and talks with the club about a certain topic such as agency life or interviewing tips. We also  learn about different PR industries like beauty or tech. These meetings give students a chance to connect with a professional on how they got their job, how to succeed at a certain skill like Business Acumen or being inclusive with DEI.

Not only do we have bi-weekly meetings, but students have an opportunity to attend monthly agency tours, workshops and to meet people who can help guide and support you throughout your journey. These agencies and businesses who host us for tours are always so helpful to share their experiences working at the company, what they do and give insight on what life is like working in that position. 

Joining GVPRSSA and getting more involved is a great in to start off the 2024 year. You can find more information on how to join at our website, here.

Out: Not Making The Most of Your Time in College

You hear this all the time, and it is really true. College provides a lot of opportunities for you to network, grow your skills, and meet new people that may help you later in life when looking for a job. Connect with your professors as the majority of them have experience being a PR professional or better yet, experience in journalism or reporting. The professors you have are not only there to help you succeed and provide you information, but they are also there to guide you and answer any questions you may have about the industry.

If you have taken any research classes, you may already know this little tip, but make sure we are making the most of your time in college and not ignoring all the resources Grand Valley’s library has to offer. The Career Center is another great resource that can help you perfect your resume, cover letter and practice interview skills that can be useful for applying to internships or jobs post-grad. 

College is the time to practice your networking skills, learn from your professors and what you do in class, and explore all the options you may have after graduation. Majority of professors are willing to help share their own experiences and share different industries you may have an interest in. Moral of the story, time goes by quickly so make the most of your time here. Leave not taking advantage of all the resources available in 2023 and make 2024 the year to utilize all the tools available to you.

In: Taking Time for you

Mental health is so important and through the midst of the craziness of life, it may be hard to find the time to focus on yourself. This year you should make it a priority to take care of yourself. Whether that means picking up a hobby, going to the gym more, or spending time with friends. Saving time for yourself helps improve your mental health. College can get stressful, especially when multitasking all your classes, a job, internship searching and trying to network with others.

Ensuring that you are focusing on yourself can help you succeed in classes and help you later on down the road. Self-care should be the first priority on your to-do list as it will help you be in a good headspace when focusing on stresses like classes or work. 

Out: Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internships have been a big topic in the PR industry and for college students in general. College students hope to gain real experience putting the skills they learned in class to the field. Not getting paid for working 10-15+ hours a week can be exhausting and unfair. Even though most students need credit from their internships, that does not mean that not paying your interns is the route to go. Interns work hard and deserve to be paid not only for their efforts, but also the time and commitment they put in to offering new perspectives and helping your company.

While you are searching for the best internship opportunities for the summer, keep in mind that those internships should be paid. Leaving unpaid internships in 2023 would be ideal as it will take a while for the industry to come into acceptance that paid internships are important.

In: End on a Good Note

Ins and Outs has been a big trend recently for individuals to complete themselves for their upcoming year, or for example, a business like Lambert to post on LinkedIn sharing the companies Ins and Outs of the year. Once we are further along in the semester, make sure to take a look at what you’ve accomplished and while we all hit burn-outs every so often, make sure to remember these lists of ins and outs or create your own. When the semester is over, you can look back to see if you have accomplished any of these ins and left the outs in 2023. Let’s start off the year 2024 strong and make the most of your semester!

Madi Reifler is a junior studying Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Digital Studies. She is the VP of Public Relations for GVPRSSA. Madi currently works part-time as the Digital Marketing Staff Assistant at the Promotions Office in the Office of Student Life. In her free time, Madi loves spending time with her puppy Kingsley, going on walks, attending concerts and hanging out with friends and family.