How to Avoid Burnout

It’s that time of year again. Christmas music is playing at every store you visit, the weather is getting perpetually colder, and finals are readily approaching. It’s normal to feel exhausted during this season, but we’re almost to the end! Here are some of my tips to avoid burnout and finish the semester successfully! 

Get Out of Your Room

Go somewhere other than your room to study. I know that my room is my safe haven. However, it also hosts a lot of distractions. I am always tempted to take a nap, watch TV, or do something to procrastinate. Whether you go to a cafe, the library, your friend’s house, or even your living room, try to change up your environment. When I am around other people who are also being productive, I find that I am more productive myself. 

Take Productive Breaks

With the amount of homework and studying piling up, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Remind yourself that no one is productive 24/7, and our bodies and minds need to respite. Be gentle with yourself and be mindful of your needs. Whether you spend time reading, making DIY Christmas gifts, or taking a nap, you deserve it. Everyone is different, but I know I function better when I take more “productive” breaks from my work. For example, I recently bought a few puzzle books at Five Below that help me de-stress and spend time away from my phone. Doing something fun that requires my brain to stay engaged is the perfect task to do amid homework. 

To-Do Lists Are Your Best Friend

I often find myself getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that needs to be done. In preparation for finals week, I make sure to write out what I need to get done and when it’s due. I also like to break up large assignments into smaller, achievable tasks (complete with checkboxes, of course). That way, I have a comprehensive list that I can refer to whenever I am unsure of what I need to do. Checking off things on your list gives you a boost of dopamine and the satisfaction of completing another task. It helps reduce daunting tasks to something more manageable, providing you with a clear set of goals to finish strong. 

Tidy Space, Tidy Mind 

When my room is messy, so is my mind. When I am stressed and overwhelmed, my room is the first to suffer. Take five minutes in the morning and at night to tidy up your space. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just functional. I like to put away my clothes and clean my desk so that I have a clean space to work with 

Meet Up With Your Classmates or Friends

Let’s be real, we’re all struggling right now. So, there’s no reason to go through it alone. Form a study group with some of your classmates, whether you have a big exam or project coming up. I find it helpful to work with my peers because they understand what I’m doing and can offer relevant advice. If that isn’t an option, meet up with a friend to get work done. If you have to, set goals for your study sesh, such as finishing your essay before you can leave. It sounds silly, but it does help. 

Practice Mindfulness

Remember that you are working towards a goal, whether that be passing a class, finishing this semester, or just simply graduating. It’s a goal that you deserve to accomplish, and have every ability to do so. The next few weeks might be tiring, but you will reap the benefits when it's done. If you’re in a negative headspace, remind yourself of what you’re grateful for. Take some time to journal or write it down, and put it somewhere you can see. I find that when I’m stressed, I forget about some of the good things in my life. Having a constant reminder of what I’m thankful for helps to ground me and provide motivation for finishing strong.  

Life can be really difficult, especially when you add the stress of finals on top. Make sure to be gentle with yourself and take the time now to set yourself up for success. Set realistic, achievable goals - just like in our classes. Remember that you can finish strong and achieve your goals, it might just take a little more effort and compassion.

Elise Eurich is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Environmental Sustainability. She is also currently pursuing her masters degree in communications through the combined degree program. This is her first year in Grand Valley’s Public Relations Student Society of America (GVPRSSA). In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, crocheting, and reading. She has worked at Campus View Apartments since May of 2022, and was an internal communications intern at Meijer this past summer. After graduation, she hopes to find a career working at a public relations agency in Grand Rapids.