What I Wish I Knew Sooner

Hindsight is 20/20, and that cannot be any more true. As a student, while tasked with the academic challenges faced at Grand Valley, we are faced with a lot of other obstacles that seem to lurk in the shadows, like time management, managing relationships, and creativity. While these skills may not be directly taught over time we learn how to deal. Throughout my time, I have tried to narrow down what I think are the most important skills to adapt as early as possible, whether it is in college or a workplace setting.

Let’s Get Planning

I want to start with one of the most important skills to have. Being a great planner! This is a goal I am going to set for myself as I am a major procrastinator and it has caused me nothing but stress. If you want to completely reduce the amount of stress you experience, make a plan. What do I need to do? When does it need to be done? Give yourself the time and energy necessary to complete what is asked of you.

Getting Involved

Woah! Getting Involved? Yes! As cliche as it sounds, and how often we hear people say this, it is a must! It can be scary, especially if you are an introvert like myself, but I can personally attest to the positive impact it has had on my confidence in PR and the general business itself.  Actively participating in PRSSA throughout the last year has surrounded me with a community of similarly minded individuals, on top of people who motivate me to become a better person as well as a better business professional. Rely on your peers to assist you in difficult situations. I would not be where I am without the overwhelming support from my community of PR practitioners.

Even with getting involved, having a community of people in a similar position as yourself is such a relief and has gotten me out of burnout again and again. 

Listen and Ask Questions

While this may seem silly, almost everyone is willing to offer you advice. Whether it is another student, a professor, or a mentor, they have some valuable insight to provide. Most people would love to help you. Take in this information! Don’t be afraid to ask them the right questions to get a better understanding, or get the answers you need.

While this is a much newer insight that I have gained through mentors and advice I have recently received, the consensus is: Take opportunities as they come. We are young, and it is the time to make mistakes and take a few risks. Not to the point where it is unmanageable of course.

Forge Your Own Path

In a field such as PR, we are incredibly lucky to be able to be creative with our ideas. The more out there the better. Having ideas is good, but coming up with creative and unique ideas is even better. Thinking outside of the box, or putting an element of yourself can revolutionize an idea. In addition to this, while we are great planners, digital artists, and writers, it is vital that we also aim to be great performers. In most cases, when PR practitioners are presenting an idea, presenting with charisma and confidence, the effort can bring forth comfort. The best ideas come through being yourself, and it truly doesn’t hurt to show that creative side in presenting something unique.

Effective planning, active involvement in communities, and embracing creativity have been vital skills that need to be developed to succeed in this field. Working to develop these skills the better, as they make life in PR one thousand times easier.

Dominic is a junior majoring in Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Advertising and a minor in Digital Studies. He is the current Podcast Director of PR Hangover for the 2023-2024 school year. In his free time, he enjoys writing, photography, and video games.