Proactively Preparing for the End of the Semester

It is that time of year when classes are wrapping up, and you have a lot on your plate. You also may be burnt out and want to enjoy the sunshine and weather. Time Management is an important skill that will help better your future profession.Starting to study early will help you prepare to wrap up this semester and help you succeed in acing all the exams and completing all the final projects. 

Create a Schedule

Creating a tentative study schedule ahead of time gives you a guideline to follow leading up to exam week and to remain organized. This article from Cornell University provides not only a template to follow but also good ideas to utilize the time the best you can. As a college student, we all feel as if there needs to be more  hours in the day to complete everything we need done. Following the schedule you create will allow you to equally prioritize all the assignments needed to complete as well as give you some organization. Below is a mock-up schedule that you can follow or give you a visual on what you can do. Block out times either in Google Calendar or on a planner and put your electronics on a “Focus” setting so you can focus on the task at hand. 
Set Reminders!

During exam week, your brain is working overtime trying to memorize terms for a test, creative ideas to put in a final project, packing up to go home for the summer, or finishing up tasks at work for the week. Since you will be handling all these various tasks, you may forget a few important things that need to be done. Whether using sticky notes and placing them on your laptop, desk, and mirrors in order to remind you of what needs to get done, or utilizing your phones “reminder” app can give you a friendly reminder. A reminder doesn’t have to be a “do this assignment by 11:59 pm Friday, April 19th”, a reminder can also be inspirational. An article from Medium lists 5 important reminders that every college student should remember like, “I am doing my best” and “Life is a direction, not a destination.” 

Maintain a Self-Care Routine

Self-care is so important and especially with exam week, stress levels are raised and you may forget to do some of the necessary things that can allow you to relax or maintain a healthy life. Studies from Harvard show that those aged between eighteen to twenty-five need 7-9 hours of sleep in order to function properly. Not getting enough sleep can lead to consequences such as lack of concentration, trouble coping with stress, and your mood may change very quickly. Taking care of yourself by setting aside time to shower, do your skincare routine and read a book or watch your favorite show before getting at least 7 hours of sleep can be a game changer. A self-care routine, whether it is as simple as just writing in a journal or talking to a friend or a bit complex of a whole step can help ensure your mental health is in a good place. 

Good Luck!

Everyone studies differently and has ways of doing things, but this list can help give some beneficial ideas to apply to your study habits.  Exam week is a stressful time, but we are almost at the finish line. There are only a few more classes left and before you know it, it will be summer! So create a good study playlist, focus on perfecting those final assignments, and ensure you also care for yourself. Good luck on the exams, you got this!

Madi Reifler is a sophomore studying Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Digital Studies. She was the Co-VP of Professional Development for GVPRSSA for the 2022-2023 school year. In her free time, Madi loves spending time with her puppy Kingsley, going on walks, traveling and attending concerts and hanging out with friends and family.

GrandPRblog, semester, prepare, GVPRSSA