How to Get More Involved in PRSSA/GrandPR

When you first enter college, the biggest piece of advice you are going to hear is “get involved.” As a freshman at Campus Life Night, I signed up for a bunch of different student organizations. I went to a handful of meetings for these various organizations to weed out the clubs I knew were not the right fit for me. I stuck it out in two clubs, and while I didn’t dread going, I did not look forward to going to either. Although I put myself into a situation where I was involved, I did not participate much. Every week I would attend the meetings, say hi to a couple of people before it started, and then go back to my dorm room for the night. It was not until my sophomore year that I really found a student organization that I looked forward to being a part of.

Last year, I walked into the Honors College all by myself and sat down in room 220. I recognized a few people from my classes, but I wasn’t really friends with them. While I was waiting, a girl sat down next to me and we started talking. Later, we found out that we were in an online class together and became partners for every class project – all because of GVPRSSA. After sitting next to each other for multiple meetings, she became my go-to for any questions or class projects. Had I not gone to the PRSSA meeting, I would have never met her and would have worked solo on every assignment in class.

During the first meeting, the executive board shared how students can get involved by joining a committee. I was very interested in the Promotions Committee and applied thinking that I would have to interview and I would not get it because of my lack of experience compared to the older students. It was a surprise to me when I received an email asking me to join a Zoom meeting. I was so nervous because I was expecting it to be an interview call. It turned out that it was actually just an orientation meeting and that an interview was not necessary. I was in! I enjoyed my time as a member of the Promotions Committee so much and learned many valuable professional skills such as using design and project management websites that will be helpful in my future.

Since I had gained confidence in myself professionally with my time on the Promotions Committee, I decided I would apply and interview for the Account Associate position with an Emphasis in Design for GrandPR, Grand Valley’s student-run communications firm. I was ecstatic when I received the email offering me the position. This position allowed me to work for real-world clients while working in small groups regularly. Meetings became one of my favorite parts of my week and I loved working with my team.

My next step was applying for an executive board position within GVPRSSA. The social media director position caught my eye because it is a career interest of mine. While I have only held the title of Social Media Director position for a couple of months so far, I love it! It is crazy to think that if I had not attended the first PRSSA meeting in September of my sophomore year, I would not have had the opportunity to gain experience in any of the positions that I have held or have met the friends and made the connections that I have.

So, if I had to give my best piece of advice to a freshman, a transfer student, or literally anyone in college, I too, would say GET INVOLVED and PARTICIPATE! Aside from my roommates, all of my college friends have come from GVPRSSA and GrandPR! Join ASAP!

Abby is a junior majoring in advertising & public relations with an emphasis in advertising and minoring in writing. She holds the social media director position for the GVPRSSA executive board. She has been a member and chair of the promotions committee. This year she will continue to manage the promotions committee – so if you have any questions, reach out to her! Over the summer, Abby was a social media intern for a local farm back in Illinois. After college, Abby hopes to work in the sports or entertainment industry! In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family – especially at the lake during summer!