How I’m Beating Procrastination in 2023

Dealing with distractions and staying focused can be a challenge. However, with a few slight changes, you can stay productive and beat procrastination. Below, I share some of my favorite tips on how to stay on track.

Switch Up Your Workspace

I struggle with sitting still. While going through work and school remotely, it can be challenging to beat distractions. However, with a few readjustments, this will not be a problem.

One way to beat distractions is to ensure your workspace is clean and organized. That way, you know where everything is in a clean space. If you’re restless, try working from somewhere other than your typical workspace. Instead of working from your bedroom, try working from your living room or kitchen area. I also love exploring local coffee shops or libraries to stay productive and on-task.

Clear Your Mind

Chances are, when you are feeling overwhelmed with projects and deadlines, it is going to be hard to focus. It is important to take time to clear your mind of anything preventing you from writer’s block or restlessness.

Do you go for walks? This is one of my favorite ways to clear my mind. Trust me, it works!

According to the University of Alabama at Birmingham, walking for just 30 minutes per day can increase productivity by 30%. I notice some of my best ideas come to me when I am outside or on a walk. If you cannot fit in for a full 30 minutes, even getting a quick 10-minute stroll can help.

Taking Strategic Breaks

Don’t forget to be available for the things you love to do outside of work. This could be as simple as reading, cooking, or spending time in your garden. For me, I block out time for CrossFit as a motivator throughout my day. If you do not have something that you are genuinely passionate about, use that time to explore new hobbies or activities. Everyone deserves to find where they shine.

Give Yourself Grace

Everyone has days where they just cannot stay focused. However, by implementing a few of these tips to limit distractions, clear your mind, and be available for the things you love, you will gradually start to notice how much more productive you will become!


By incorporating some of these tips and tricks to minimize distractions, clear your mind, and prioritize strategic breaks, you will notice an increase in productivity. Remember, everyone has days off, but with consistent effort, you will undoubtedly become successful

Olivia is a junior studying Advertising & Public Relations and an Adventure Tourism minor. She is the VP of Programming for GVPRSSA, a member of the National Millennial and Gen Z Community, and VP of PR for GVSU’s Strength Club. She has internship experience in editorial design, social media, digital marketing/ SEO, and 5+ years of photography experience. She is currently interning at American Family Insurance as their Strategic Communications Intern. Olivia hopes to continue working for AmFam while expressing her interests in DEI and/or health and fitness. Outside of her studies, you can find her at her CrossFit gym, outdoors on adventures, or volunteering at Bethany Christian Services.