3 Key Lessons That GVPRSSA and GrandPR Taught Me This Year

The first few weeks of summer are often a time to decompress and reflect on the past year for many students. For me, this school year was one filled with change and self improvement. I can attribute a lot of that improvement to my time spent in GVPRSSA and GrandPR. Immersing myself in these two organizations taught me a handful of lessons throughout the school year that are applicable to many facets of life, not just my future career. Out of the many lessons that I learned this year, I have broken it down into three key lessons that were beneficial to me. 

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

One of the biggest lessons that both GVPRSSA and GrandPR taught me was that stepping out of your comfort zone is what pushes you to become better. As someone who was fairly new to the Advertising and Public Relations major this past fall, I did not see myself participating in PRSSA or GrandPR. The thought of becoming involved seemed scary and outside of my comfort zone. However, becoming involved in these organizations was one of the best decisions I have made during my college career. I’ve learned so much about myself and gained a newfound confidence in my abilities. Participating in GVPRSSA and GrandPR has made me a stronger student, professional, and most importantly, person. Usually, my own idea of comfortability is what stops me from reaching a goal. Stepping out of my comfort zone is what has helped me get closer to my goals and closer to the version of myself that I want to be.

Take Advantage of Opportunities 

One of the greatest aspects of GVPRSSA and GrandPR are all of the networking and learning opportunities. Whether it’s joining the WMPRSA Mentor Match, asking the speaker a question at meetings, or going on agency tours, GVPRSSA provides countless opportunities throughout the year for students to learn more about the industry. This leads me to my next key lesson: take advantage of these opportunities whenever possible. It’s important to keep in mind that we’re all still students, and it’s not unusual that we find ourselves wondering what our future holds. Networking with industry professionals is a great way to figure out what your future may look like. Additionally, it may help you find your niche within the industry. This year, I participated in the WMPRSA Mentor Match for the first time. Talking with my mentor about her experiences gave me confidence that Public Relations is the right industry for me. Being present and participating in the activities that GVPRSAA offered this year is what really helped me grow as an individual. I also participated in the networking event at the beginning of the semester. This allowed me to meet many people that I otherwise may not have had the opportunity to talk to. Not only was this fun, it was also beneficial to my networking skills.  

Have Fun

Extracurriculars don’t have to be boring, they can be fun. GVPRSSA is a great place to meet people. The simplicity of connecting with others should not be overlooked. It’s fun to meet new people and try new things. No matter how shy you may be, the welcoming environment at PRSSA meetings is truly a place for anyone. If you’re looking for a way to get involved within the industry, GVPRSSA is the place to start. Similarly, GrandPR gives you real industry experience that is also fun. Working on a team for clients is a unique and exciting experience as a college student. To put it simply, GVPRSSA and GrandPR have taught me many valuable lessons throughout this school year that I will carry with me throughout my career.

Riley Hohlbein is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Writing. She is the Chief Operations Officer of GrandPR, Grand Valley’s student-run, nationally-affiliated, and student-run integrated communications firm. This is her second year working with the firm, as she previously held the position of Account Associate. Additionally, she also serves on the GVPRSSA E-Board. Outside of school, Riley works as the Marketing Intern at Grand Traverse Resort and Spa. After graduation, she hopes to begin her career in PR at a company that aligns with her personal values and interests.