Summer is Around the Corner: How to Finish Strong

No more fun in the sun, palm trees, and sleeping in — Spring Break is over and now it is time to wrap up the last month of the semester. It can be difficult to come back to the school-life routine. Early mornings and late nights doing homework and studying can be hard to jump back into. 

Welcome Back

It's the first week of school after a much-needed week-long break. The first week back can be stressful, especially if you tucked away your backpack and laptop, turned off all Gmail notifications, and totally forgot you had an assignment due Monday. It is okay to take this week to be groggy as you get back into your routine.  Take the evening to plan the week and finish work that was left behind last week. Also, look over class syllabi and plan for the rest of the month. The moment of planning can be stressful but will help you feel more prepared in the long run. 

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Taking a quick glance at the rest of the semester can make it seem like there’s no time left. Take your time with papers and assignments. Instead of cramming and trying to do an eight-page paper in one night, try doing a page or two every day and give yourself time to edit and review the paper before the due date. Pacing yourself when completing assignments will help your future self feel less stressed. Trust me, once you pace yourself when everyone is stressing about a huge paper you can kick back and relax. Check out this blog written by Victor Carter to gain more tips about time management.

Look Towards the Future

Coming back from spring break does not have to be a bad thing. If you think about it, you’re not that far from the end of the semester. If you are graduating this semester, maybe take some time to apply for internships and jobs. You can also plan out a trip or something fun to do to reward yourself for finishing the semester strong. Even small rewards can help push you to get through the week. I enjoy giving myself my Saturday evenings to do whatever I want. Knowing that I have my weekend to sleep in and work without distractions gets me through the week. 

The Sun is Out, The Worries are Almost Over

The weather is getting nicer and the temperature is getting warmer. Go for a walk and take in the sunshine. Enjoy the moments of springtime and step away from your work. Do your homework outside and change up the scenery. It is okay to be stressed about wrapping up the semester — that is normal. The semester is almost over, but cherish every moment and take time to appreciate the process. Summer is around the corner and then you can relax and reflect. It feels so far away now, but it is coming sooner than you think.

About the Author

Damaiya Harper is a student at Grand Valley State University studying Advertising and Public Relations. Damaiya is eager to continue working on her media planning skills, media writing, and overall skills regarding public relations in general. She actively involves herself in school and hopes to continue to learn new things as life goes on.