PR in Your PJs

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people attended Zoom meetings with their hair and makeup done the same way that they would have done for a meeting in the office. However, just cropped out of frame hid their comfy and cozy pajamas. This soon became the norm for many, regardless of what field they are employed in. In a creative field, such as advertising and public relations, it is important to stay on top of your work (and out of bed). Let’s talk about some much-needed reminders on how to balance working remotely from the comfort of your home. 

#1: Get up and Get Ready

The hardest part of the morning is NOT snoozing the alarm clock, it’s forcing yourself to get out of bed. Although working in bed sounds like an appealing job location, it is not ideal. Getting dressed for the day should be a pinnacle part of your morning routine. By getting dressed and staying out of bed, you are setting a routine for yourself. Humans thrive off of routine. Routines are essential since “effective routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, more time to relax and less anxiety.” By establishing a routine and sticking to it, you will become more productive, resulting in better time management. 

#2: Set up Virtual Meetings With Your Camera ON

It can feel alienating to work with someone, yet never talk to them or see their face. It is important to turn your camera on when meeting with colleagues to build better relationships and teamwork. Also, through virtual calls, you can pick up on verbal and non-verbal cues. These types of cues are absent in emails and phone calls. Meeting virtually can avoid misunderstandings and improve social skills. Not only can working alone be boring, but it can also be very isolating. The Mayo Clinic states why socializing with others is essential, “socializing not only staves off feelings of loneliness, but also it helps sharpen memory and cognitive skills, increases your sense of happiness and well-being, and may even help you live longer.”

#3: Work Near a Window

Sunlight is SO important! When in sunlight, your brain produces serotonin, the chemical responsible for regulating your mood. Serotonin not only plays a role in your mood, but also in your sleep, digestion, and bone health. Not getting enough serotonin can lead to anxiety, depression, and obsessive compulsion disorder (OCD)

#4: Take your Work Out of Your Home

Consider visiting a coffee shop, local cafe, or public library to get your work done. Working in a new space can increase your creativity by exposing you to new thoughts, ideas, and people. Working in the same space can become dull, causing an employee to lose their sparkle. When every day of the work week becomes Groundhog Day, not only will there be a decrease in creativity, but errors are more likely to occur. Working outside, weather permitting, of course, is a great way to change scenery. Fresh air and sunlight are great for the mind, body, and soul. 

Hopefully after reading this, you have learned that although work is important, so are you. In order to excel at work or school, you need to recharge yourself before you “get up and at ‘em.” After all, “It’s PR, not the ER!”

About Abby

Abby Tannhauser is a sophomore from Darien, Illinois studying advertising & public relations. She has an emphasis in advertising and is minoring in digital studies. After college, Abby hopes to work in social media content creation for sports or as a graphic designer. This is Abby’s first semester in GrandPR, where she will be an Account Associate with an emphasis in design. Along with GrandPR, Abby is on the promotions committee for PRSSA. In her free time, Abby enjoys being with her friends & family at the lake!
