8 Ways to Avoid Creative Burnout in PR

Working in public relations, you have probably experienced creative burnout a time or two. Whether you specialize in blog writing, graphic design, or social media copy, there may come a point in your shift where your wheels stop turning. Creative burnout is usually described as physical fatigue, irritability, dreading going to work, procrastination, and doubting your creative abilities. In simpler terms, the feelings of emotional and physical exhaustion. 

If you’ve felt this way before, you’re not alone. Studies show that around 40% of men and women have creative burnout “almost always” or “often.” Hitting a wall at times is a part of working in a creative field. But don’t get discouraged! There are many practices that you can integrate into your daily routine to reduce the issue. I’ve discovered eight ways to avoid creative burnout and approach work in a healthier way.

1. Take a moment for yourself

Whether you walk your dog on your lunch break, meditate, or do some reading before bed, you need to prioritize “me time” on a daily basis. Work will always be exhausting if you don’t give yourself time to rejuvenate. It’s your responsibility to fill your cup after a long day of work. You’ll thank yourself tomorrow!

2. Get out in nature

Creative burnout occurs when a multitude of stress triggers work to shut down your brain. What’s the best way to combat stress? Spending time outside! It has been proven that conducting physical activity outdoors reduces stress by 50%. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a walk outside and notice how much your mind clears. 

3. See it, believe it, achieve it

When you need to get your creative juices flowing, sketch what’s on your mind or write a brainstorm list. This will allow your ideas to come to life so that you can bring them to fruition. Break out the old fashion pen and paper, and start brain dumping.

4. Take a break

Sometimes all it takes is a moment of silence. Some of the greatest realizations come from taking a break. When you turn away from what you’re looking at, you allow yourself to see it with a fresh set of eyes when you return. So walk away, and gain a whole new perspective next time you open your laptop. 

5. Get inspired

We’ve all heard the saying “you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.” The same goes for creativity. It’s not possible to create brand new, jaw dropping ideas on a daily basis. Take the pressure off, and turn to Pinterest for some motivation. Find something that inspires you, and make it your own. Now, that’s creative.

6. Consume new media

You are what you eat. The same goes for creative work. If you consume good quality media, you will create good quality media. If you never look at what’s going on around you, you might find yourself short on ideas. Research industry blogs, podcasts, and Instagram pages to absorb all that the world of PR has to offer! 

7. Reinvent your space

A lot of times, your stress is caused by a distraction in your environment. Are you uncomfortable? Are there loud noises around you? If so, readjust what is messing with your mind and notice how much your focus improves. My go-to is turning on some white noise and lighting a few candles to set the creative mood. 

8. Try some self-talk

Society used to believe that talking to yourself made you crazy. In recent years, we have discovered how much of a positive impact it can make on mental health. Scientists have found that talking to yourself engages different areas of your brain, allowing you to concentrate and think more clearly. Drop the stigma and start thinking out loud, especially if you work remotely. 

At the end of the day, creative burnout is something we are all struggling with. Fortunately, it is something you can fix with a few simple steps. Taking the time to learn some coping techniques will greatly benefit your career. It may take a few tries, but you’ll find your rhythm and adjust to your new creative lifestyle. Until then, keep pushing through and know that you are not alone! You always have your fellow PR professionals to lean on.

About Jessa

Jessa Piotrowski is a senior pursuing a degree in Advertising & Public Relations. This is her first semester with GrandPR, working as an Account Associate. This will be her second semester as a member of the PRSSA Alumni Outreach Committee. She is currently working as a Graphic Designer at GVSU’s Modern Languages & Literatures department. She is a member of the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team here at GVSU. This past summer, she served as a Marketing Intern at Commonwealth Associates Inc., where she worked on campaigns surrounding the renewable energy field. She hopes to work in a similar role in the future, for a company that strives to make a difference helping animals and the environment. Her hobbies include playing piano, going to country concerts, and spending time with her friends and family.
