Say Goodbye to Imposter Syndrome: Tips for Ad/PR Students

Picture this: you are walking through campus, iced coffee in hand, when the belief that you do not belong creeps up and walks alongside you. For weeks, you have told yourself to fake it until you make it as a form of motivation, but suddenly you cannot fake it anymore. You have convinced yourself that your success is not a reflection of your capabilities, but is due to sheer luck. This is the infamous case of imposter syndrome, one that you will overcome. 

What is Imposter Syndrome? 

Imposter syndrome is the belief or feeling that you are incapable and unintelligent amongst your peers. It is feeling as though you are not as successful as you are perceived to be, regardless of your accomplishments. As a student, you are told to not have imposter syndrome, why should you? The reality of it is, some feelings are hard to shake; unfortunately, there are times when it gets to a point where pulling all-nighters and creating vision boards are no longer enough to shake such feelings. Where do we go from here? Well, acknowledging feelings of imposter syndrome is the first step. Time to unpack those feelings, but don't worry they won't stay for too long.

Recognize the Signs

Imposter syndrome can creep its way into your educational experience as you continue to have the same feelings and beliefs about yourself and your capabilities. Let’s recognize the signs: 

Feeling Doubtful of Your Skills and Abilities

Feelings of doubt and uncertainty are common among students. These feelings may occur when you are rewarded or given thrilling opportunities to enhance your educational career. This is where self-doubt takes center stage. Here is the secret: any skills you currently do not possess can be acquired over time. Work with the skills you do have and remember that you are capable and deserving of opportunities. 

Undermining Your Accomplishments

Not accepting credit for your accomplishments is another sign of imposter syndrome. Spoiler alert: your accomplishments are not a result of luck. Recognize all the work you have put in and soak up your success. 

Striving for Perfection 

Aiming for perfection takes your focus off the end goal and leads you to believe that your work is not good enough, causing burnout. Not meeting your expectations of perfection does not equate to failure.  

Tips on How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

As an Advertising and Public Relations student at Grand Valley State University, it is crucial that you take advantage of the opportunities that Grand Valley School of Communications offers. Building relationships with those in your major will help you conquer feelings of imposter syndrome while reminding you that you are not alone. Here are some tips: 

Connect with Others Within Your Major 

Connecting with other Advertising and Public Relations students is an excellent way to acquire a sense of belonging. Joining clubs will not only enhance your learning experience but will provide comfort and guidance as you work towards overcoming imposter syndrome. Joining clubs such as GrandPR, a Public Relations Student-Run Firm, will allow you to develop your skills and build genuine connections with those who may be able to relate to you. Who knows? You may even find someone to go and get an iced coffee with. The National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) and Grand Valley Advertising Club are other clubs Grand Valley State University offers where you may attend meetings, acquire new skills, network, and build relationships through professional workshops. 

Build a Relationship with Your Advisor

Building a relationship with your advisor or other faculty members is another way to help shake the feelings of imposter syndrome. Through advisors, you can share your feelings and concerns and hopefully find a solution together. If you feel as though you are falling short in your academics or need professional or personal advice, remember that advisors are willing to help you succeed.

Focus on the Facts 

Just because you feel as though you are a fraud within your educational career does not mean you are. Accentuating the facts and your accomplishments will remind you that you belong where you are. Say it. Shout it. Repeat.

About Kaedry

Kaedry Taveras is a senior pursuing a degree in Advertising and Public Relations. This will be her first semester with GrandPR as an Account Associate with an emphasis in design. She will also be joining The National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) Team at Grand Valley State University this Fall. Kaedry is dedicated to expressing her creativity and she aspires to become a Creative Designer. Through GrandPR, Kaedry hopes to continue to build her expertise and experince within the Advertising and Public Relations field.
