How to Slow Down Time In Your Workday

Never did I think I would be here writing about how to slow down time. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely situations where I want the clock to be working in overdrive. But with so many things to accomplish at work, it is easy to get caught up in your responsibilities and lose track of the day. Although no time-altering technology has been created yet - that we know of at least - there are small changes you can make to your workday to slow down the hours. Here are five ways to regain control of the time in your day. 

Switch up where you work during the day 

Having a routine in place can provide comfort during stressful times, but switching up your routine in small ways can improve brain function and overall enjoyment in life. Whether it is going out to a coffee shop, switching offices with a coworker, or sitting in a different room, changing where you work is a fun way to spice up your day and make it more memorable.

Be present & mindful

It is so easy to simply go through your day brainlessly once you are used to a certain routine. One way to work on being more mindful is to imagine you are seeing something unfamiliar to you for the first time. Think of how present and mindful you are in a place you have never been before. On your next drive to or from work, keep an eye out for something you have never noticed before. While in the office, take some time to look around the room, soak in the moment, and ground yourself

Avoid multitasking

Although many jobs do require you to juggle multiple tasks, you don’t always have to work on them all at once. It is very challenging to take breaks and live in the moment when you are working on several projects at once. It is not always efficient as it takes longer for things to get accomplished. To slow down your workday and feel more in control, take things one step at a time if possible. 


Practicing different types of breathing exercises calms the mind and body, promoting mindfulness and being in tune with your surroundings. When you have a lot to accomplish, getting lost in your work can cause you to forget to take care of yourself. Make it a habit to prioritize breathing and breaking up your day to incorporate other healthy habits.   

Take breaks 

The reality is, we do not perform our best without rest. Although it can be challenging to pull yourself away from uncompleted tasks, rest is necessary to care for yourself and regain control of your day. Taking breaks allows you to recharge your brain and produce better work as a result. They also cause you to be more conscious of how much time you have left in your workday and how much time has passed. Overall, prioritizing your time to incorporate short periods of rest and mindfulness will break up your workday. 

Don’t let your incomplete to-dos control your mind during the workday. Remembering to take breaks, be mindful, and spice up your days will make you feel as if you accomplished more at work. Practicing the tips above will not only help you “slow down time,” it will cause you to be more present in a world where it is so easy to get lost in your tasks. 

About Amberly

Amberly Dzimira is a senior majoring in Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Management. She has been an Account Associate with GrandPR for two semesters. She is currently the President of GVPRSSA and is completing two internships with John Ball Zoo and 8THIRTYFOUR Integrated Communications. She is also a PRSSA District Ambassador for the East Central District.
