Letters to My Past College Selves

Looking back on the past four years that I’ve spent at college has been bittersweet. Experiencing college during a pandemic has been far from easy, as it takes a lot of flexibility and patience. At the same time, there are so many lessons and experiences that I will forever cherish. Here are four lessons that I learned that you can hopefully take with you through your own journey in college.

To my freshman self: Embrace new experiences

I knew in my senior year of high school that I wanted to study Advertising and Public Relations. When I finally got to Grand Valley, I jumped at the chance to declare my major right away. From there, I was ready to explore all of the opportunities college offered me. Joining clubs and organizations helped me learn how to prioritize my time, but also gave me something to do outside of coursework. As I made my way through the year, there was still part of me that was nervous about the remaining years. When I reflect back now, I know that freshman year was truly just the beginning. I wish I knew there was nothing to worry about, and everything will fall into place.

To my sophomore self: Big changes will come, but you will be okay

Going into my second year, I knew that I was almost halfway through. This year, I started to venture into clubs that were more focused on my major. Joining Ad Club was my first step in connecting me to more faculty and peers that I did not see in my everyday classes. The knowledge I was now gaining about my future career outside of school gave me more confidence when I was inside of the classroom. Then big changes hit— the pandemic interrupted my second semester. Finishing that semester at home was a huge shift, but what I didn’t know at the time was that it would help me in the future when I started working from home. Even though the year didn’t go as planned, I wish I knew the seeds that were planted in my sophomore year would eventually turn into flowers in the later stages of my college career.

To my junior self: This is your time to grow

Coming back to campus and joining GrandPR and PRSSA, also while taking mainly online classes, was a huge change. I now joined two organizations that helped me grow tremendously with networking opportunities, workshops, and overall being in a group of inspiring individuals. Getting involved and having the opportunity to attend meetings outside of class guided me to different opportunities and interests. I’ve learned so much, I wish that I joined earlier. I now was able to dedicate more time to diving deeper into other aspects of college and expanding my knowledge. 

To my senior self: Reflect, but keep moving forward

As I finish off my last year at Grand Valley, I reflect on the small steps that ended up opening major doors. All of the group projects, all of the late-night Zoom calls, and even the little interactions getting to know my classmates were all needed. What may have seemed like small conversations with faculty truly inspired me to dig deeper into my future career. I know I will take everything I have learned and the memories I have made to prosper in the next chapter of my life.

About Damaiya

Damaiya Harper is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations at Grand Valley State University. This is her second year with GrandPR and is excited to work with a wonderful group of people. Currently, Damaiya works at the GVSU's Development Office as a student communications assistant. After graduation, Damaiya hopes to spread her wings and continue to learn new skills about PR.
