Intentionality in the Hybrid Workplace

Hybrid work is pretty great. Widespread adoption of a hybrid working model has made space for more people to work jobs that were not possible for them before. With flexible options starting to become expected in the workplace, there is more opportunity for everyone. 

However, with the heightened demand for hybrid work and rapid shift to the technology that supports it – it is easy to fall into impersonal working patterns that make forming a tight team difficult. This adjustment has been challenging for those at any stage in their careers, but especially for soon-to-be college graduates who are just entering the workforce.

As an intern entering a new job in the wake of a pandemic, I had to quickly adapt to hybrid work. Each of my teammates had their own working styles, scheduling barriers, and – in some cases – time zones. 

Throughout my internship, I found that small, intentional actions and new habits have made all the difference in forming a bond with my new team. Here is some advice, both gleaned from other professionals and developed from my own experience, to help you foster relationships, establish trust, and keep up morale on a hybrid team.

1. Introduce yourself properly

You only get one chance at a good introduction, so do it right! Even if you have teammates who you will only interact with occasionally, making the effort to have an introductory conversation with your new coworkers sets you on the right path towards a great working relationship. Not only is it impressive to take initiative as a new hire, it will also help you get to know your new team faster.

2. Connect often

Your team might not need to touch base every day, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Connecting daily, even if it is through a Slack or Teams message, makes a huge difference. Even one “Good morning!” message signals that you are active, engaged, and present during your remote/hybrid work days. For example, my team has recently found that we are able to connect by sharing our Wordle scores each day!  

3. Take note

Make the effort to remember your teams’ birthdays, hobbies, and important events, and check back in on the parts of their lives that they share with you. Lucky for you, there are tons of tools that can help you keep track of important info: reminders on your calendar or phone, curated spreadsheets, or even an old-fashioned sticky note can make all the difference. There is nothing better than feeling seen and heard by the people you work with; all it takes is paying a little attention!

4. Make time together special

Everyone’s hybrid working needs are different. Oftentimes, there are different primary workplaces for each member on a team, and days where you are all in-person can be few and far between. When the stars do align and you are able to be together, make it worth the commute. Plan a lunch together, get coffee, or set special time aside to catch up without distractions. 

Working on a hybrid team allows for more flexibility and supports inclusivity, but that isn’t to say it’s not difficult to navigate at times. In this current landscape, a little intentionality goes a long way. I hope these tips help: whether you are brand new to a team or looking to improve your current workplace relationships!

About Jesse

Jesse Schmitt is the current CEO of GrandPR and will be graduating in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Advertising & Public Relations and a minor in Studio Art. Jesse is currently working as a Sales Resource Development Intern with Steelcase Applied Research + Consulting. Jesse is proud to say that this is her third year with GrandPR. She hopes to continue to make the firm an inclusive, inspiring, and evolving environment for students to come.
