Give and take (pr style)
BOOM! You just landed your dream internship or got accepted to your university of choice. You have worked hard to get that acceptance email, but the real work is just beginning. Now is the time to really prove yourself and make the work worth it. I will admit, it is easy to get distracted in college and jumble your priorities. It sounds so good to skip the 8 am class because you’re “tired” or just do the bare minimum at your internship, but is it really the best choice. (HINT: NO!). Will you get by? Yes. Will you be awesome and the best you can be? Probably not. Putting in the extra work and taking initiative will almost always get you further. Life is full of give and take opportunities, it is our job to take advantage of them. Here are some tips for how to give your all and take just as much.
Don’t overdo it: You are just you. By that I mean you are not you plus 12 other people. No one can do it all. Many people try but often end up worn-out and discouraged. That doesn’t mean you just take the easy route either. Push yourself to the limit, but only to find the limit. Then pull back just a little and find your happy spot, but be warned. That happy spot will change with time because life happens. Be prepared to deal with unexpected events and do your best to not let them adversely affect your work-flow. Overdoing it is a problem for most “type A” public relations pros, so be aware of that, know yourself and only take on what you can handle effectively.
Enjoy the ride: CLICHÉ ALERT! (Don’t hate me.) This one is true. They are clichés for a reason. It is extremely important that no matter what you do that you find a way to enjoy it. If you can’t find enjoyment, then get out because you are doing the wrong thing in the wrong place! Will it always be fun? Heck no. Can you still smile your way through most situations and emerge a better person? Heck YES! No one wants to be the wet blanket in the work environment so here is a hint: don’t be that person. Enjoy the process of learning and be willing to do the junk work. Look at and for the positives. Taking initiative for yourself and helping do what you know needs to be done will always be admirable.
Pay-off is rarely immediate: As PR professionals, we have chosen a fast paced industry that is always developing and changing. No one strategy or tactic will work perfectly for all clients, meaning our efforts need to be focused on creativity and execution. With that in mind, we need to realize that the time to be praised for good work and every little deed we do is in short supply. I recommend keeping your head down and working as hard as you can and learning everything possible. Focusing in that way will help ensure you get the payoff of knowledge. Work your hardest, stop waiting for praise and be self-motivated to be your personal best. Attend every class, you are paying for it. Volunteer to do extra work at your internship, you are already there anyway. Run for the leadership position in your club, you won’t get the chance once you are done with school. Doing all of this may not end with you getting a pat on the back or a golden star, but it will provide you with experience that you can use to accomplish your goals in the future. That is the the real pay-off.
BOOM again! You landed your dream job because you worked hard to gain experience and learn everything you could in school and in your internship. You gave it your all and took just as much. #Winning
Jordan Punches is a senior at Grand Valley State University, majoring in Advertising/Public Relations with an emphasis on Public Relations. He is an enthusiastic account executive and the alumni relations chair of the Grand Valley PRSSA chapter. Jordan loves making connections with people and has lead a number of teams in various organizations, including serving a term in office at the state level for a leadership organization. He is organized, motivated, learns quickly and enjoys presentations and public speaking. Jordan actively looks for more opportunities to learn and develop his skills while always encouraging a good time.