Pitch, Please

Yes, you read that correctly. We are with the times! No sense in pretending we are anything other than the force that is Generation Z. As an intern in the integrated comms field you’re doing real work, for real clients! There is a small window through which you may be able to sneak into the inbox of your chosen media list reporter and there is a big chance that your well-crafted client pitch will immediately be discarded. Let’s chat pitching particulars, shall we?

Build! That! List!

Keep your outlets particular to the target audience you are trying to reach. When creating a media list for a particular press release you are trying to get out to the media you want to be as pointed as possible. Are you promoting a new sale in Grand Rapids? Find a reporter in the Grand Rapids area that focuses on business. Looking to motivate people in an upcoming election in Michigan? Find someone in local and city-centric areas that specializes in government. Don’t expect that every reporter’s LinkedIn or MuckRack account is up to date, research the specific outlet they report for and confirm that the reporter is still relevant to your media list. You can never do too much research.

Appeal to the #Ego

When you are gearing up to pour your heart out in a reporter's inbox, don’t. Keep it concise, and relevant to the reporter's recent work, and give the reporter everything they need. You know the aforementioned research I recommended? Well, whip that back out because you will need it here. Start your email pitch strong by drawing on pieces of the reporter's previous work and interests to relate to the reporter. After relating to the reporter give them exactly what they need:

  • Press release copied within the body of the email rather than attaching a PDF.

  • Pictures/links to products or information if applicable.

  • The best way to reach you and/or your team.

Don’t be shy, make a new friend! Think of pitching as speed dating or speed friending. You want to say as little as possible with as big of a positive impact while concisely getting your message across. 

Followup, and Followup Again.

Set yourself a calendar reminder to check your traps. You have done the leg work of finding out exactly how to appeal to your audience of reporters, now give it all that you have got to ensure you get your client the coverage they deserve. Circle back (yes I am using office jargon, get with it) and reiterate your overall purpose for reaching out while providing new intel on the reporter's latest work. Curate your pitch to be conversational while equally gassing up your client and the reporter. This dance between borderline professional flirtations and genuine interest will get you everywhere, I believe in you!

Yes, connecting with reporters can be difficult but let’s get creative about this stuff people. We are not saving lives here, however, we are playing the ultimate game of sliding into the DM’s and we have to act accordingly. Let’s get pitching!

Lauren Stitt is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Public Relations at Grand Valley State University. Lauren spends most of her days with her PRSSA friends, grabbing a cup of coffee at a cute coffee shop, or working her integrated communications role with Grand Rapids firm 8THIRTYFOUR. Graduating this Fall of 2022 in December, Lauren plans to continue her PR journey in the Grand Rapids area and hopes to one day try her hand at city living. Interested in connecting with Lauren? Find her on LinkedIn!