How Media Promotes Advocacy | Epi. #2 (w/ Maddie Zimmerman and Madey Lutenski)

This week's episode of PR Hangover features GV Students, Maddie Zimmerman and Madey Lutenski. Both students are involved with GrandPR and PRSSA. Dedicated to their studies and passionate about their niche PR specialties, this week we learn about advocacy and insight into influencer marketing. 


Connect with Maddie Z: 


Connect with Madey L: 


 IG: MadeyLutenski

Maddie Zimmerman is a junior majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. Maddie is a member of PRSSA and is the Associate Media Coordinator of GrandPR, Grand Valley’s student-run PR firm. In Maddie’s spare time, you can find her thrifting, recording for her own podcast, sipping on matcha, and playing with her rescue cat, Manon. Maddie hopes to pursue a career in social media management or journalism/writing after graduation.

Madey Lutenski is a senior studying Advertising & Public Relations with a minor in Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. Madey interns for the GVSU Career Center and Experience Grand Rapids. She is also the firm editor of GrandPR. Madey explores GR with her roommates and volunteers with Reproductive Freedom for All!
