How Getting Involved In the PR World Can Change Your College Experience

When you go to college, how much you get involved with extracurriculars is all on your shoulders. You are competing against all other recent college graduates when you are looking for your first “big job” outside of school. This is why getting involved is so essential to your success in college and outside of college in your future career. This is how it has changed my college experience. 

I remember my sophomore year of college, and I felt so lost. I hated my major, wasn’t involved in anything, and mainly had online classes due to the pandemic. Now that classes are primarily in person, and so are Grand Valley State University clubs, it is the perfect time to get involved. 

I switched my major to advertising and public relations late last school year. I had no idea of what to expect, other than hoping that it was better than my experience with the general business major. Now I can say that I wish I had switched my major to advertising and public relations sooner in my college education. 

Two of the main reasons I am so in love with and fascinated by advertising and public relations are PRSSA, the Public Relations Student Society of America, and GrandPR, a student-run integrated communications firm. At first, I was so nervous about joining these clubs . I didn’t know of people in them and I had never seriously joined any clubs since in high school. Now, I am forever grateful that I did.

Not only did joining PRSSA and GrandPR strengthen my education and knowledge on the public relations world, but it has also helped me meet tons of amazing people.I have made so many connections I would have never made anywhere else. 

Both clubs have such an inviting atmosphere. I have only had positive experiences within each club and have only heard positive things from everyone involved. It is a safe learning environment filled with truly incredible people who have the hunger to learn and gain experiences before they graduate college. 

Every PRSSA meeting is very educational, and I leave each and every time feeling motivated and ready to look deeper into the topics that were talked about by professionals who come in and speak to us. 

GrandPR is a group of amazing people who work together with client's from the Grand Rapids area. We come up with social media campaigns for them, blog post ideas, content creation calendars, and even non-profit events such as CreateAthon this year. 

Both of these clubs have guest speakers in the advertising and public relations field that come in and talk to the club members about their career and tips. These are amazing learning opportunities for potential career opportunities post-college. There are also opportunities to ask questions. 

I finally feel like I have picked the right major for me and my college and future career all because of my involvement in PRSSA and GrandPR. If you are thinking of joining either of these clubs I fully recommend these opportunities through these clubs to learn and grow within the PR world.

Madison Zimmerman is currently a junior studying Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in Public Relations. This is her first semester in GrandPR as an Account Associate with an Emphasis in Design. In Madison’s free time you can catch her hiking, hanging out with friends, thrifting, and playing with her rescue cat. Madison hopes to one day pursue a career in social media management or journalism for a company that is outdoors or animal related.
