Taking Strategic Breaks (w/ Dr. Adrienne Wallace)

Dr. Adrienne Wallace knows busyness–and the anxiety that comes with it–all too well. As a professor, an advisor, a digital marketing strategist, and a writer (and much more), she has a lot on her plate. So where do rest and relaxation fit in? 

Adrienne shares her experience and offers advice on taking effective and healthy breaks, managing anxiety, and prioritizing commitments to ensure time and health are maximized. This episode is packed with tidbits of gold for students on semester break, and Adrienne’s words of wisdom extend into the typical work and school day. Find a rhythm, avoid avoidance, and know your limits. There’s more where that came from. Give this a listen! You won’t regret it.

Connect with Adrienne: Twitter: @adriwallLinkedIn: Adrienne A. Wallace, Ph.D.