Impactful Communications w/ Juan Fernandez

His work “literally saves the lives of children.” Does it get better than that?Juan Fernandez, the VP of Marketing and Communications at Bethany Christian Services, has vast experience in the nonprofit communications field. From teaching in Costa Rica to managing communication and marketing at an international organization, Juan has done it all, and he has learned a lot along the way.Listen as Juan discusses his life in the nonprofit world and the challenges and rewards that come with it. How do we use correct terminology even when SEO tells us to say something else?

How can we share the story of a nonprofit organization so that it effectively reaches the target communities? We cover it all.Plus, if you’re looking for input on agency vs. in-house communication, freelancing, work-life balance, SEO, and making impactful change in the lives of others in a career, this episode is for you.

Find Juan on LinkedIn and Twitter.