Nonprofit Communications w/ Javon Dobbs

  • Who’s Our Guest?

    • Javon Dobbs is a communications manager at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek, Michigan. In this role, he supports the foundation’s efforts to promote thriving children, working families, and equitable communities. As a member of the communications team, he is responsible for implementing a wide range of communications strategies, to support the execution of communications tools, tactics, and activities for the foundation’s key internal and external audiences. Javon holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism & Spanish and a master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in nonprofit leadership and administration from Western Michigan University. Learn more about the Kellogg Foundation at or follow WKKF on Twitter at @wk_kellogg_fdn.

  • What You’ll Learn in this Episode

    • In this episode, we get to hear from Javon Dobbs. He is extremely knowledgeable within nonprofit organizations and has always had the desire to help people within and outside of his community. From his daily work routine, proud moments in his career, and how he fights for social justice in and out of the workplace, Javon is a strong force within the communications industry.

  • Plugs & Resources