What Can You Do With a Degree In Advertising and Public Relations?

As the holiday season approaches, brace yourself for the well-meaning yet most annoying questions from relatives about your college journey, including the notorious inquiries about your five-year plan. Whether you're a freshman navigating potential majors or a seasoned fifth-year with all the coursework under your belt, we all experience discomfort in the unknown. After engaging in the inevitable conversation with Aunt Marsha over pumpkin pie, you might find yourself pondering (or possibly panicking), "What do I want to do after college?" Take a deep breath. The reassuring aspect of earning a Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations is the expansive and ever-changing job market awaiting each of us, offering diverse opportunities for post-graduation paths.

Why Advertising and Public Relations is Important 

Public Relations (PR) is a strategic process dedicated to developing communication concepts for organizations or individuals, employing tools such as consumer education, press releases, community relations, and various other strategies. On the other hand, Advertising serves as the assured mode of communication, disseminating messages across platforms like print, social media, television, and radio. 

Why does this matter? Well, the collaboration of these two elements makes us the perfect well-rounded job candidate. Seamlessly contributing to building brand reputation and effectively engaging target audiences, Advertising and Public Relations is the complete package. We are the complete package! In today's professional landscape, marked by increasing consumer skepticism towards traditional advertising, a profound understanding of both Advertising and Public Relations is imperative, and we get to offer it. Companies are actively seeking professionals capable of crafting communication that resonates with their target audience, utilizing innovative mediums such as blogs, adopting brand journalism, and leveraging influencers. 

Let’s look at a more complete perspective on potential career paths containing various options that are accessible to individuals early in their careers. Options you may not have considered, and might want to explore, crafted specifically for Advertising, Public Relations, and more!

Avenues in Advertising

The creative individual who is drawn to the artistic elements of advertising may be best suited for careers similar to the following: 

  • Graphic Designer: They design a wide range of materials, including logos, websites, advertisements, brochures, and social media content. Graphic designers combine artistic flair with technical proficiency, using software tools like Adobe Suite, to create visually appealing and effective designs that meet the needs and objectives of their clients or projects.

  • Web Designer: Web designers are responsible for creating visually engaging and user-friendly websites. They design the layout, structure, and overall look of a site, considering factors such as user experience, navigation, and functionality to ensure an easily navigated website for users.

  • Photographer: Do you have a knack for photography? AdPR is a great background to have for this career. Photographers in the Advertising world take photos to be used in advertisements such as billboards, magazines, commercials… you name it. Freelance photography is another great option, and you will be equipped with all of the skills for communicating with clients and self-promotion.

  • Social Media Coordinator: If you are tech-savvy and up-to-date on the trends, this path may be for you. Social media coordinators are responsible for a company’s social media presence. They develop and implement tactics to engage consumers on various platforms, as well as strategically plan posts and create visually appealing content.

PR Paths  

The student who enjoys innovative thinking and tactful communication may be well suited for career opportunities such as: 

  • PR Agency: If you are indecisive and afraid to commit to one niche career right out of college, consider working at a PR agency. In agency life, you are exposed to a variety of jobs while working with a range of clients. This allows you the opportunity to learn what speaks to you and what your passion is!

  • Copy Writer: Are your friends always begging you to take a look at their writing assignments or help them out with a topic because they know your talent? Copywriters are in charge of the writing that goes into advertisements and other promotional materials like press releases and website information. Copywriters work in various mediums, including print, digital, and broadcast.

  • Community Relations: Do you love to engage with those around you and care deeply about the betterment of your community? Community Relations professionals are responsible for building and maintaining positive relationships between an organization and the communities it serves. Their role extends beyond traditional marketing and public relations, focusing on fostering goodwill, understanding, and collaboration. Some responsibilities may include community outreach, event planning, and volunteer coordination.

  • Investor Relations: If you are interested in finance, but not into the math, investor relations could be for you. Investor relations specialists work with shareholders and potential investors to influence the budget of the company. Their responsibilities include communicating earnings reports and other financial data as well as monitoring market trends for the company.

  • Government Relations: Got a passion for politics? Government relations might be the perfect fit! Also known as political affairs, government relations is a function within an organization to influence public policy to align with the values of the company. An example of this is communicating with government officials to promote legislation beneficial for the company at hand.

What are you waiting for? 

In the world of Advertising and Public Relations, these are just a glimpse of the diverse career paths awaiting you upon graduating. Given the crucial role of Advertising and Public Relations in every company, the job market is expansive and continually adapting to new responsibilities. Armed with a B.S. or B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations, your proficiency in communication, creativity, and strategic thinking makes you a great candidate for roles in Sales, Marketing, Communications, and various other fields. Take the time to explore job descriptions, follow your passion, and embark on a career that resonates with you. Many resources are available here at GVSU to also assist you in preparing for your career and finding the path. The opportunities are boundless, and the world is wide with possibilities for your professional journey.

Eileen is a Junior at Grand Valley State University Majoring in Advertising and Public Relations with a Minor in Marketing. This is her first year in GrandPR and she is currently serving as an Account Executive. Additionally, she works at GVSU's Alumni House as a Student Fundraiser and is involved in many on-campus activities including GVPRSSA, Campus Ministry, and Intramural Sports. Following graduation, she hopes to find a career that not only allows her to achieve her personal and professional goals but also contributes positively to the betterment of the workplace and community she resides in.
