Why Thought Leadership Is Important

When you think of a successful public relations professional, ask yourself: who comes to mind? This person is most likely a thought leader in the world of PR. True thought leaders didn’t fall into their positions by luck. Most are intentional with their work and are constantly looking for ways to improve. They also typically utilize any tools and resources at their disposal, which makes creating unique tactics much easier. Thought leaders are reliable sources of insight and information, and they value the importance of research and credibility. As public relations professionals, we must understand the importance of consistency so we can build trust and relationships with clients. 

Leadership Principles 

It would be hypocritical if PR pros were not effective communicators. Emphasizing clear and consistent communication is an essential factor in making sure that tasks and projects are getting completed in a timely fashion. Good leaders know how to articulate what should be done clearly and concisely. 

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely a student or young professional. As young professionals, this is prime time for learning about the industry. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or reach out to professionals in a particular niche you have an interest in. Ask questions with purpose and do everything with intention. Ensure what you’re saying has a storyline from start to finish.

Keep an Open Mind 

When you work in public relations, you will come across an array of different professionals, all of whom have different backgrounds and experiences. 

The best leaders are ones who take the time to truly understand others. Working with an array of different personalities will act as a way to share ideas and opinions. 

To build mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their public, you have to go in with an open mind to understand others. Communication is critical to building relationships with people and their patterns and behaviors. 

Encourage others to speak out if they have different ideas. The best perspectives are ones that nobody has thought of before. Embrace differences and watch how this can bring something together. If everyone was the same, life would be pretty boring. As corny as it sounds, finding that niche that makes you unique will make you or your brand stand out from your competition. 

The Importance of Adaptability

As we all know, sometimes in life things will not go the way we plan them. It is important to be willing to pivot and adapt to the unknown. 

Maybe you didn’t get that grade you worked for, or the internship you went through multiple interviews didn’t go through. These things can cause some uncertainty which leaves an uneasy feeling. Leaders must learn to work past letting the feeling of the unknown. Sometimes, it’s almost better to assume that something won’t go as planned. Plan accordingly for the unknown.

If something is urgent, remember, people have a life outside of work. Respect others’ time and stray from repetitive information. Developing effective communication is not only good for professional development but also makes work a more enjoyable environment.

The Greatest Leaders Are The Best Followers 

The best leaders know the importance of learning from their peers. Leadership is a team effort; no matter how much experience you have in a particular area, there should always be the desire for growth. Working with your teammates, colleagues, or classmates to dive deeper into projects will boost both knowledge and creativity. I frequently ask questions and contribute to meetings as much as I can. Whether I am assigned a leadership role or associate position, everyone is in equal status with equal importance. Some may have more responsibilities than others, but without everyone playing their part, the show would’ve come to life. 

Leaders know the importance of cutting power and letting go of their ultra-ego. To be a humble leader, starting from the bottom and working your way to the top will teach you what it takes in order to understand your team and provide the support they need from you.

It’s okay to ask for feedback and accept criticism. Cut the ego. Leaders want to improve in ways they are weak in; by accepting criticism and using that as a tool rather than an insult, your final project will be more successful than it would’ve been otherwise. 

As Aristotle once said, "He who cannot be a good follower, cannot be a good leader." 

Final Thoughts 

Thought leadership has become a valuable strategy in public relations. It requires authenticity and the desire to challenge the traditional way of thinking. When thought leaders take the time to conduct in-depth research that provides valuable credibility, people are more likely to believe them. As I mentioned before, if everyone thought and acted the same, the world would be a pretty boring place. 

About Olivia

Olivia is a second-year Advertising & Public Relations student. This is her first year with GrandPR serving as the Visual Media Coordinator and Account Associate for the firm. Olivia is currently interning with BlackTruck Media + Marketing as their digital marketing intern. She has experience in social media, editorial writing, and DEI. She is involved with PRSSA as the Podcast Host of PR Hangover and she enjoys working in Portrait/ Event Photography. Outside of the office, she enjoys CrossFit, ice climbing, and outdoor adventure.
