Changing Lives on TikTok: The Positive Impact of Social Media

A lot of people argue that TikTok can ruin lives. Individuals are now spending copious amounts of their time scrolling mindlessly on an app. Comparison is a killer among the younger generation of girls. People are buying things that they don’t need, and now have a spending problem. However, many people don’t shed light on the flipside of how TikTok can change lives for the better. 

Rise of Social Media Influencers

There is now an influx of social media influencers. If you have not heard about influencers, they are quickly taking over social media as individuals that are posting photos and or videos of products and encouraging viewers over social media to purchase something. For example, Alix Earle, TikTok’s newest viral it-girl, can show a blush she uses and that night it will be sold out for a month straight. 

The Rise of Stone Maidens

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be a social media influencer? Unless you have a fear of being on camera, chances are you have thought about what life would be like. You get to work with your favorite brands, go on brand trips, work remotely from anywhere in the world, and have the opportunity to make a lot of money all while being your authentic self. People’s lives have completely changed ever since influencing has become a career path. Lloyd Devereux Richards’ daughter, Marguerite, posted a video on TikTok about her dad’s book and had very little sales on. The novel has not only sold out, but it is also the number one mystery/thriller book on Amazon’s book bestsellers list in both the U.S. and Canada. 

Richards’ Life Changed Forever 

Richards took 14 years to write his first novel Stone Maidens. Marguerite posted the TikTok after Richards finished his second novel. Currently, the TikTok video has over 10 million likes and over 45.9 million views. Richards’ TikTok account, run by his daughter, has over 341.5K followers. His life is now forever changed all because of a 30 second video. The reviews on Amazon are now pouring in and the book has not received anything under 4 stars. Marguerite posted a heartwarming video update after her first post went viral of her Father thanking everyone for supporting him and that he couldn’t believe that this happened to him. He was even crying from all the kind comments he received. The two said they are incredibly overwhelmed that this even happened but in a positive way. They have been showing more updates on Richards’ TikTok page and it has been amazing to follow along the success story. 

Positive Social Media

With all the hate and horrific news going on in the world right now, it is enlightening to see someone get the praise they deserve and the spotlight put on someone with good intentions. I wish that all social media modeled this.. Instead of tearing people down, we were building people up. TikTok is an easy way to promote a business, idea, or talent. Richards’ story is just one of an abundance of TikTok users who have had their lives changed for the better due to the popular app. 

About Madison

Madison Zimmerman is a junior majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. This is her first year in the major and her first year participating in PRSSA and GrandPR as an Account Associate with an emphasis in design. Madison also writes for Grand Valley's Newspaper, The Lanthorn as an opinion column author. Having her own podcast, Madison hopes to get involved in the podcast side of PRSSA and GrandPR as well as the blog. Madison hopes to secure a career involving writing and social media management after graduation.
