My Study Abroad Experience

Embarking on a study abroad experience is more than just crossing geographical boundaries; it’s a transformative journey that extends beyond the classroom, not only shaping academic knowledge but also personal and professional development. As I reflect on my study abroad experience during the first semester of my junior year, I feel compelled to share the impact it has had on my personal and professional life and encourage those around me to step outside of their comfort zones to take on a life-changing, once in a lifetime opportunity.

An Overview of My Program 

I studied abroad in Florence, Italy during the fall semester of 2023. I directly enrolled in a university called Florence University of the Arts. This university offered a wide range of classes which included Italian food and culture classes, art and art history classes, as well as some that were required for me to complete for my major. I began my journey in Rome on August 27th, where I was met by a big group of faculty members and students who were going to be alongside me during my first week in Italy. This week was spent exploring the different areas of Tuscany for a class called Cultural Introduction to Italy. Would you believe me if I told you I received three academic credits for simply spending a week traveling through Tuscany? Before this experience, I wouldn’t have believed myself either.

I lived in an apartment that was about a ten-minute walk away from the city center, which I shared with eleven other girls. At times my living situation was chaotic, but eleven girls can be a really good time and will leave you with newfound bonds and friendships. Since the city was practically built for walking, I walked to all of my classes and spent my downtime exploring every corner of the city either on my own or with friends. I spent a lot of time visiting museums, shops, iconic landmarks, and trying new foods.

My Personal Development

Before I left to begin my journey abroad, I simply thought that after embarking on this experience, I would return to Michigan the same as I always have been. Quickly into my journey, I realized that this would not be the case. Through all the fun and the chaos, I experienced hardships while I was away which were pivotal moments of growth in my life. Here are the three most important things that I learned:

  1. It’s okay to be on your own.

After my week spent traveling around Tuscany, I finally arrived and settled in Florence. Even after being settled, the only things that I felt were loneliness, discomfort, and the desire to hop on a plane and fly back to the States. Being only one out of two GVSU students in Florence for the semester, it was difficult to create connections considering the number of students who arrived with many friends and classmates. While I let this bother me tremendously for the first two weeks, I reached a point of realization that allowed me to start doing everything I wanted on my own. I decided that the time I was given was too invaluable for me to waste. I started enjoying life whether or not I had someone to do it with me. When so much time has been spent away from home, coming back can be difficult considering all the ways that your friends and family have grown separately from you. I have applied this lesson to my everyday life now in college since I was faced with many changes upon my return in friendships and dynamics.  

2. Independence.

One thing that I spent a lot of time doing during this journey was traveling. While I have traveled a lot in the past, and have even flown by myself multiple times before, I gained a tremendous sense of independence once I started navigating everything on my own. This included transportation, flights, Airbnb’s, and planning out each day with unique activities. My ability to handle this without a “real” adult by my side made me much more confident in my abilities throughout all areas of my life.

3. Life beyond what you know.

My experience traveling abroad widened my perception of cultural differences and different ways of life and thinking. While in the past I felt content with the way I was living and had a small desire to explore the world, having the opportunity to explore changed my outlook on life and the possible future. I now have opened up my perception to many different outcomes and the various connections I will make with all sorts of people throughout my life. 

My Professional Development

Not only does studying abroad look great on a resume for numerous reasons, but many programs like mine offer students the opportunity to participate in internships during their time spent across the world. In addition to this, much of my personal growth has also contributed to my professional growth. Let’s take a look at the three most important things I learned regarding my independence:

  1. Taking on an internship opportunity.

During my time in Florence, I took on an entrepreneurship intern role. In this role, I examined a student-run business and compared it to more established businesses around Florence. I was able to construct a business plan at the end to advance sustainability measures and also overall operations to make recognition of the store greater. I was able to improve my competitive analysis skills, while also putting myself in the position to think from the perspective of an entrepreneur.

2. Employer Perspectives.

Many employers are impressed with study abroad experience and tend to value students who have taken on such experiences. This is because employers know that study abroad students have an increased global understanding, are very self-reliant, have a strong sense of independence, and have acquired efficient problem-solving skills. All of these qualities are very important in any professional field, and employers want people with these skills to join their workforce as either interns or full-time workers. Realizing this led me to highlight this experience on my resume and dive deeper into it during interviews.

3. Confidence.

During my time abroad, I was heavily preparing for my return. I was aware of the fact that I not only needed but also really wanted an internship in my desired field. In the past, I had a hard time acquiring an internship, but my newfound level of confidence helped me tremendously during the interview process. I figured that if I was able to create an entire life for myself in a different country, getting an internship would be a piece of cake for me. This mindset helped me acquire an internship at Steelcase as a marketing intern, which is a company I have wanted to work for since my sophomore year of college. I received the news right after I was done with my semester abroad.

Wrapping Up My Experience

Studying abroad in Florence, Italy, during my junior year was an incredibly transformative journey, extending well beyond academic pursuits. Immersed in the vibrant culture and rich history of Florence, I navigated both personal and professional challenges while creating memorable and long-lasting friendships. Despite initial feelings of loneliness, I embraced the opportunity for independence and self-reliance, gaining confidence in my ability to navigate unfamiliar territory. Professionally, I took on an entrepreneurship internship, which has allowed me to use my newfound global perspective and skills to feel more confident in moving forward professionally. 

About Olga

Olga is currently studying Marketing at GVSU. She is involved in the professional business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, GV PRSSA, and GrandPR. In addition, Olga works as a Marketing Intern at Steelcase. This is Olga’s first year with GrandPR as an account associate. Olga studied abroad in the Fall 2023 semester and she is hoping to utilize her experiences not only in her academics but also future career.
