My Journey as a Non-Traditional Student: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Growth
Growing up, college was never talked about in my home. It was a far-off idea and not something I considered a worry or desire. My childhood was plagued by many difficulties, from being born prematurely, to the loss of a parent, to being adopted by my grandmother. Life was not easy at times, but I always had my family’s support. With the ambition and desire to do more for myself, I enlisted in the military at age 20. For six years, I traveled, worked, and even got my associate's degree while serving in the Air Force. As I neared the end of my enlistment and wondered what would come next, I decided to finish my education, which led me to Grand Valley State University.
Not Just a Label
Deciding to head back to school felt daunting. Could I as a late 20-something fit in? Where did I belong? Was I just a student veteran? Or was there more to this experience than a label? I soon realized that I was creating labels and ideas of myself before others even met me. Being an older student with a family, a previous career, and everything else that goes with having lived a completely different life seemed to melt away when school started. No one looked at me and thought, “She’s older, why is she in school?” In fact, my experience was quite the opposite. When classes began in August of 2023, I was pleasantly surprised by the support from my peers, professors, and student organizations. Their encouragement played a key role in strengthening my abilities and building my confidence. I was not labeled by my past; rather, I was encouraged to pave a future for myself with an education.
Gaining PR Experience
As I prepared to enter my senior year, I worried that even with my prior work experience, I needed more experience in public relations. To gain relevant hands-on experience, I applied for GrandPR and was offered an Account Associate position. My excitement was through the roof! This reinforced that I have talent, ambition, and the drive to do more. Later, I was asked to move up into an Account Executive role, which was scary, exciting, and overall, an opportunity for me to continue to grow into an emerging PR professional. Ultimately, after accepting the position, and now heading into my second semester as an AE, I can confidently say that this role has allowed me to learn and grow significantly. I’ve learned that it’s okay to make mistakes and how to grow from them. As I near the end of my college career, I’m taking away not only tangible experience in working with a team and creating content for clients but also the realization that growing and learning is a continuous process.
My Final Semester
As graduation quickly approaches, I am excited to move forward into the next phase of my career. No matter the type of student you are, whether you’re old, young, returning, or newly joined, I hope you give yourself the chance to make mistakes. Join the club, talk to people in your classes, and connect with your professors because, in the end, they all want to see you succeed. College is about finding your confidence to take the next step into a new adventure. After all, you're never too old to learn.
About Shelby
Shelby is a senior majoring in Advertising/Public Relations with an emphasis in PR. This is her first semester being involved with GrandPR. Since December 2023 she has worked as the Social Media Intern for GVSU's Recreation and Wellness department. This fall she will start a new internship for the GVSU's career center as the Adult & Alumni Marketing/Social Media intern. After graduation, she hopes to work in motorsports as a PR or communications specialist.