Trending “Lucky Girl Syndrome” is Simply a Shift in Mindset

If you have been feeling like bad luck has been a pattern in your life, you will be pleased to know there is a solution that has been quickly gaining popularity online. A new phenomenon called “lucky girl syndrome” has been making waves on TikTok. Countless videos including the  relative hashtags have been circulating on the app, all promoting the message of  extreme luck, increased opportunities, and a positive shift in mindset! So, instead of feeling weighed down by experiences of bad luck, maybe it is time to give this trend a try and see if you too can become a “lucky girl”. 

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?

Recently trending, “lucky girl syndrome” has taken the internet by storm. For those unfamiliar with the trend, lucky girl syndrome involves affirming your goals to yourself and the universe. The lucky girl syndrome approach uses manifesting phrases like “I am a lucky person, things always work out in my favor. My energy creates and draws opportunities into my life.” 

For many, lucky girl syndrome is seen as an energy shift that only something with elite power, like “the universe,” has influence over. Others, like myself, have realized that being a “lucky girl” is actually something within personal control. It is a shift in your everyday mindset.  

If you are feeling like you have heard of this concept before, it's because you probably have. It’s also called manifestation, law of attraction, growth mindset, or goal oriented behavior. As a matter of fact, in 2020, this same concept took over TikTok but was provoked by a book called “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. These concepts are nothing new, yet here it is trending, again. 

Why does the same concept keep trending? Well, it is because it works. When you tell yourself something enough times, it becomes reality. Repetition of these affirmations is actually training your mind to see the opportunities that you would have never noticed before. 

In reference to lucky girl syndrome, you are training your mind to see the “luck” in life. The luck you are just now noticing are the opportunities you have been blind to all along.

How can you commit to the “Lucky Girl Syndrome” approach? 

It all starts with changing your mindset. Instead of focusing on a negative outcome, focus on a potential positive outcome.  For example, did you get fired from your job, or did you get the opportunity to find a new job that aligns more closely with your personal values and skills? This change in mindset is key to creating that feeling of luckiness. Here are a few ways that you can bring “lucky girl syndrome” into your own life:

  • Affirmations: Affirmations can be spoken out loud or written to yourself or to a friend. If you are having trouble coming up with your own affirmations watch a YouTube video or find a list online

  • Journal: Start journaling to sort through your thoughts and feelings. Start by writing down the things that you need to let go of, then finish by writing down what you want to attract in your life moving forward. 

  • Identify: Seek out the small things in life that go your way. Start training your mind to see the good little things that happen often. 

  • Redirect: Take your negative thoughts or a negative situation and think of three ways it can lead to something positive in the future. 

  • Read books: There are many books that can help you adapt to a more positive mindset.

  • Listen to podcasts: Spend time relaxing or going for a walk while you listen to a manifesting podcast

Lucky girl syndrome can not only bring about positive effects in your personal life, but also aid in your professional life. As someone with a future in the advertising and public relations world, I have found that lucky girl syndrome has a great influence on the work I do. Advertising and public relations professionals can use lucky girl syndrome to establish positive goals for successful campaigns and projects, which can help to attract positive energy, innovative ideas, and effective results. So don't just apply lucky girl syndrome to your personal life, make it a goal to establish this mindset in your professional life. 

After trying these actions, don’t chalk up all your luck to the universe. You did this. You changed your mindset, you developed a brighter outlook on your life. If you picture something and expect it to happen, it will become the truth, your reality. When you commit to lucky girl syndrome, you are committing to a positive mindset that will help you reach your desired future. Go be the lucky girl that you have been this whole time. 

About Brooke

Brooke Faber is a Junior this year pursuing a degree in Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Business. This is her first year with GrandPR, where she has worked as an Account Associate. This summer, Brooke will be working with Lake Michigan Credit Union as a Community Relations Intern. After graduation, Brooke hopes to move and secure a corporate PR position in the sports, retail, or nonprofit sectors. 
