Let's Get Creative

When it comes to creativity, I’ve been feeling in a bit of a rut. Maybe it’s the winter blues, maybe it’s the eventual burnout looming, but sometimes I can’t shake the routine and structure of every task I have to do. The mundane takes over and sometimes I struggle with breaking free— I’ll be the first to admit it. That being said, it’s important to know that creativity is in each of us and the potential is there waiting for the perfect moment to make itself known. Let’s get creative!

Where It All Comes From

From personal experience, I can say that my fear of not being creative comes from self doubt. Whether it be in a GVPRSSA e-board meeting brainstorm or a group project, I often find myself questioning my ideas. What if it’s not what they’re looking for? Is that really the best thing I can come up with? I find myself criticizing the ideas as they come up.

An article about the lack of creativity says that, “...creativity is a state of mind rather than a set of skills in a particular area.” So, when it comes down to it, creativity is manageable and constant— you just have to be able to get there. Lack of confidence or work exhaustion is valid for not coming up with award-winning ideas. However, it is comforting to be reminded that it's an achievable place that’s just in hiding sometimes.

The Power of a Good Book

For our GrandPR book club last semester, the firm read Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by David & Tom Kelley. It was through this book and discussion that I realized the tactics to bring out my own creative confidence. This isn’t reached by having the best design concepts or the most thorough campaign— it’s reached by being the most helpful and engaged teammate, knowing how you work best, and understanding how you become inspired. If you haven’t already, give it a read! I hope you find it as valuable as I did.

Rest, Rest, and Repeat

My final takeaway from this whole creativity journey is knowing the importance of rest. Being intentional with my time has been a big goal of mine recently. I want to make the most of my week and take care of myself. In order to be the best, most creative version of myself, I’ve learned to prioritize slowing down at the end of the day. It doesn’t matter if I’m calling my mom, taking a 25 minute power nap, or going on an unnecessary Target trip. I thrive when I take the time to slow down and enjoy the little things. This sets me up for success in the workplace and classroom as I feel refreshed and ready to think up something great.

The journey to creativity will always be shifting with new tricks to try and ideas to test. I’m no expert by any means, but I hope my recent takeaways have a way of finding them in your communications tool box. Until then, try to not doubt yourself (easier said than done!), read a good book, and put lots of rest in your schedule.

About Emma

Emma Nelson is a senior studying Advertising/Public Relations and Writing. She is currently serving as President of the GVPRSSA Executive Board. This year is her second year involved with PRSSA and GrandPR previously as Podcast Director and Account Associate. Emma hopes to work in a PR agency after graduation (unless she lands her dream job of being Taylor Swift’s publicist). In her free time, Emma enjoys watching movies, listening to music, and spending time with her dogs, Lola & Clementine. Twitter: @emmanelson34
