Humanizing The Campaign

Social media has allowed PR professionals to know every detail about their target audience. Statistics about age, gender, location, and so on are looked at on social media, clicks are counted, and analyzed. Ultimately, campaigns revolve around numbers. 

This focus on statistics and not real-life connections can lead to consumers' distrust of a brand. This negative perception of brands from consumers is surprising because companies have access to many resources to analyze and understand the customer. However, with those numbers comes immense responsibility, and companies and campaigns continue to forget to put themselves in their customer's shoes. When reflecting on ways to humanize a campaign and reach out to people from all walks of life, three words come to mind: inclusivity, being relatable, and having a mission. 

1. Inclusivity throughout the Campaign

Diversity and inclusion within a campaign are ways to stay relevant in consumers' eyes. Representing the underrepresented leads to a campaign being more impactful and relatable to consumers from all walks of life. In addition, looking at a campaign from the perspective of others can allow new and innovative ideas to develop. 

Through their groundbreaking “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” campaign from 1980, Coca-Cola was able to show consumers how Coke is about more than just making sales; it’s also about making an impact. This ad showed people from all walks of life, and Coca-Cola was able to make their product a symbol of peace and harmony. Companies utilizing diversity and inclusivity show the consumer how the company is much more than just a product; it has a mission to support all people from all walks of life. 

2. Making a Campaign Relatable

Companies can be complex. Breaking down a company to a relatable and understandable level can lead consumers to understand the company and the product it is promoting. Mercedes's “Like You” campaign is a prime example of a high-end brand that relates to the wants and needs of an everyday person. Phrases included in the campaign, like “detail-oriented like you,” “groundbreaking like you,” and more, spoke to consumers. This direct connection to the consumer's attributes was compelling and consistent, and led to a straightforward definition of what Mercedes was selling.  

3. Defining the Mission 

Every company has a mission statement. However, living by that mission statement can be another challenge. A company that can walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk will create a more personable and relatable experience for consumers. Forbes took a look at employees and the correlation between a company living by a mission statement and the success that it brings. The article was able to identify that the success of a company is directly linked to the employees, which in turn has a direct impact on the customer

Mission-driven companies can positively impact the community and reach customers more personally. This approach to having an ethical, mission-focused company leads to customers and employees knowing and understanding the impact, reason, and faces behind the company.

Looking at the numbers behind a campaign is essential, but having the perspective that each number represents an actual person is an important reality to keep in mind. After all, a PR professional represents a company that relies on the client to support its vision and product. Therefore, connecting with the client on a human level is a crucial objective and will help lead a campaign to success.

About Paige

Paige Bodine is a junior studying Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Writing. She grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and absolutely loves the city! She currently is in the Michigan National Guard and is part of the 126th Public Affairs Detachment. She is also a media intern for GVPD, GVSU's campus police department. After graduation, her goal is to work at a local PR firm in Grand Rapids. In her free time, she loves to write and spend time with friends and family. This is Paige’s first year with GrandPR and is super excited to be part of the team!
