How a Position in Community Relations Can Make You a More Versatile PR Professional

From Campus to Community

As young professionals, transitioning  from campus life to the professional world can be a whirlwind of change. Recently, my journey took an exciting transition when I had the privilege of interning as a Community Relations Intern at Lake Michigan Credit Union (LMCU). This experience opened my eyes to the power of executing campaigns and making a tangible impact in the community. The valuable insights gained during this internship have equipped me to be a more versatile PR professional. Keep reading to find out more!

At LMCU, community relations isn't confined to the boardroom; it's about rolling up your sleeves and immersing yourself in local events and initiatives that matter. It's about building bridges, one meaningful interaction at a time. This role taught me that it's not just about transactions, but about touching lives and making a difference. Understanding the aspirations and challenges of everyday people became integral to our approach. The range of community events I participated in offered fresh experiences and interactions that strived to meet these aspirations and challenges.

Creating and Fostering Connections

One of the highlights of my internship was the continuous learning about my community and discovering the plethora of organizations that to  be supported. This newfound knowledge and network provided a strong foundation for future collaborations and impact-driven initiatives.

In community relations, building and maintaining relationships are paramount. It's not just about having a large network. It is about continually expanding and nurturing each connection. Previous relationships with organizations and those that align with LMCU’s philanthropic focus areas play a crucial role in decision-making when reviewing requests like sponsorships.

Internal Staff Leadership

During my internship, I had the opportunity to practice project management and leadership skills. This involved getting non-community relations staff involved in our initiatives and sometimes leading staff members who may be more experienced. Effective communication with colleagues of different age groups became vital. Understanding and respecting different communication styles ensured effective leadership without creating unnecessary gaps.

Work-Life Balance and Effective Communication

A role in community relations brings the challenge of managing work-life balance and avoiding burnout. Mastering time management is paramount in juggling professional and personal commitments, especially with numerous community events and volunteer opportunities often extending beyond regular work hours. 

Tasks in community relations are frequently bound by external deadlines set by collaborating organizations. This necessitates precise time management. Tackling tasks methodically and setting clear goals for the day and week ahead proved to be the most effective approach. This approach not only kept me on track but also provided my colleagues with a transparent view of my workload and priorities.

Maintaining open and candid communication with the team became crucial in fostering a healthy and positive team dynamic. I learned that it's better to honestly express when I don't have the capacity for a task and seek assistance from a team member, rather than risking a missed deadline and attempting to make amends later. The path to effective community relations isn't always smooth. During my time at LMCU, we encountered challenges that called for swift, strategic action. This taught me adaptability and quick thinking are indispensable tools, especially in today's fast-paced professional landscape. 

A Unique Perspective for PR Professionals

While community relations is a facet of PR, it provides unique opportunities beyond the conventional responsibilities of a PR professional. It provides insights into what effective outreach should look like, equipping me with the knowledge needed to catch an organization's attention and foster successful collaborations. 

As my internship at LMCU concludes, I carry with me not only a resume builder but a profound shift in perspective. This experience reaffirmed my belief in the potential of integrated communications to inspire positive change. Authentic connections will always be our greatest asset in the world of communications. Together, armed with the knowledge that it's not just about the message, but about the impact we create, let's venture forth into the world of communications.

About Brooke

Brooke is a senior pursuing a degree in Advertising & Public Relations with a minor in Business. This will be her second year with GrandPR, where she previously served as an Account Associate and now serves as an Account Executive. Over the summer and into this semester, Brooke has been interning in community relations at LMCU. Post-graduation, she aspires to launch her career in corporate PR, seeking opportunities with organizations that mirror her values and passions. 
