Four Tips to Track Down the Right Internship for You

Finding an internship can be a daunting experience, and it’s often hard to know where to start. Now that fall semester is upon us, it’s important to start planning ahead of time and figuring out the best time for you to take on an internship. While there’s no right or wrong answer as to when or where to do an internship, there are some key tips that will help you succeed in your internship search process.

Tip 1: Start looking early

Internships can be extremely competitive, therefore it is best to start looking early to fully optimize your chances. If you begin your internship search early, you are able to apply to as many positions as you want, while also reducing the stress of a time crunch. Similarly, looking early allows you to talk and interview with more employers which will help you navigate and get a feel for what you do and don’t want out of an internship. You can start by looking up positions on job-posting websites like Indeed, but also by speaking with your professors and academic advisors for more guidance.

Tip 2: Apply, apply, apply!

When looking for an internship, it’s important to apply to as many places as possible. By applying to multiple positions, you are giving yourself the greatest chance to find an internship that best suits you and your needs. Instead of placing all your eggs into one basket and scrambling to take the first internship that hires you, having multiple options allows you to choose the internship that works best for your goals and aspirations. It’s okay to be picky during this process, but you need to have options in order to optimize your experience. 

Tip 3: Keep an open mind

Not every internship description will match your major perfectly, and that’s okay! Try your best to keep an open mind and try new things, internships are all about learning, after all! If you see something that interests you, but is slightly different from what you study every day at school, try it anyway! Or if you see a position you are underqualified for, give it a shot! It’s important to remember that the worst thing anyone can say is “no.” Another big question is whether or not one should take an unpaid or paid internship. While, ideally, all students would like to be paid for their time and work, there are circumstances that arise where an unpaid internship may be more fit for you and your skills. You can learn more about how to make the best decision for you in this regard here

Tip 4: Don’t get discouraged

Internships are all about learning, and the same goes for the very process for finding one. While it is unlikely you will get hired for every intern position you apply for, you can use each application, conversation, and interview as a learning experience to help you grow as an applicant. Don’t get discouraged if a company chooses somebody else, instead, take the things you learned from the experience and try again!

Internships are an amazing opportunity to learn about the transition from college to the professional world. While there’s no right or wrong way to choose an internship, there are many ways to optimize the experience and help along the way.

About Megan

Megan Morse is a senior at Grand Valley State University studying advertising and public relations. This is Megan’s first year at GrandPR where she serves as an account executive.
