Fitting in as an Intern in the Workplace

The Beginning of an Internship

Starting a new job as an intern may be intimidating for many reasons, but there are many ways to make the most of your experience and fit right in. When you start an internship just know so many people would  love to have a conversation or be a part of your journey. They are there to help you adjust, get comfortable, and become familiar with the workplace. As an intern, it is important to push yourself out of your comfort zone and experience as much as possible. Fitting in as an intern can mean something different for every intern and every company. 

Don’t be Afraid to Socialize!

One way for an intern to fit in within a new company is to ask to sit in on meetings. It seems simple, but it is an indicator to your manager that you want to immerse yourself in all the internship has to offer. You can get an inside look at  how experienced professionals communicate in a meeting. There’s a chance you might be  included in the conversation and will be able to share your new ideas and perspectives which can leave a great impression. Furthermore, to help yourself feel comfortable as an intern, check for future volunteer events or trips. This is an amazing opportunity to help the community while getting closer to  your co-workers as you bond outside of the workplace. Meeting your co-workers at a more casual time will help you get to know them more.. Meeting in a different setting allows for fewer  distractions and a stress-free  meeting with no time constraints. 

Show your Talents and Involvement 

Fitting in as an intern also involves your contributions to the company and its goals. Bonding with co-workers can seem very challenging because some people have worked for the company for years. Making sure you can contribute to the culture and submit quality work is very important. Pro tip:  ask a mentor or manager to set up a meeting to go over your progress. Bonus points if you can give a presentation on what you have worked on so far! Sharing your ideas is fulfilling and shows that your work is valuable  to the company.

Never Fear to Ask Questions and to Believe in Yourself

Overall, there are many ways to help yourself fit in as an intern and make your experience valuable. Remember to take things one step at a time and don’t rush the process. It might take some time to feel comfortable as a new intern and to network among your co-workers. Want to hear some good news? It’s okay! Everyone adjusts to a new work setting at a different pace and there is no right answer to when you should have the feeling that you're fitting in. Ask your manager for support when you need it. If you don’t ask, they may think you are doing perfectly fine when in reality you need extra support. Never be scared to ask questions, ask for resources, or ask for help. Your manager knows that you are new and is there to help you. Always be yourself at your internship and show your knowledge. You were meant to get your position so enjoy it and take every opportunity possible. I believe in you.

About Maddie

Maddie Zimmerman is a senior studying Advertising and Public Relations. Maddie is GVPRSSA’s President for the ‘23-’24 academic year. She is an Account Associate for GrandPR, Grand Valley State University’s student-run integrated communications firm. She also writes for the Opinion Column at Lanthorn. She is currently the Communications Intern at Perrigo. In her free time, she is the queen of all hobbies such as hanging out with her rescue cat, playing pickleball, hiking and drinking matcha. After graduation, Maddie would love to work on the creative side of PR for an outdoorsy brand and dabble in journalism. Maddie’s dream job would be to run the National Park’s social media pages or do PR for Patagonia. 
