Finding Your Community to Achieve Your Career Goals

As children, I’m sure we all heard our parents repeat the phrase “you are what you eat” when sitting around the dining room table. Although, at the time, we may have thought of it as a silly analogy, it actually can offer some insight into our lives today. Similarly, it’s also true that we become who we spend the most time with. Our peers, mentors, and family all vastly impact how we act, think, and feel, so it’s important to surround yourself with people who will encourage you and push you to become better. Let’s discuss!

Finding a community of peers and friends

As college students, when we’re outside of the classroom, it’s no secret that we tend to spend a lot of time with our friends. It’s easy to bond over the fact that we’re all on an educational journey, trying to learn about our respective future career fields and preparing to enter the workforce. These are extremely pivotal years, so it’s important for us to make the most of it and set ourselves up for success in later life. One way I practice this is by surrounding myself with people who have similar goals and aspirations as I do. Joining clubs, going to study groups, or attending events in your field are all amazing ways of finding people who have similar interests and goals as you. Once you’ve found those people, don’t be afraid to reach out and seek out those deeper connections with them.

Find a mentor to help you lead by example

Another great way to set yourself up for success in your career is through finding an academic or professional mentor. Mentors offer a vast array of knowledge and wisdom that they can share with you. They can help you set and reach goals, while giving you advice on what has or hasn’t worked for them in the past. Mentors are there to help you and to guide you in the right direction, so it’s important to connect with somebody who can walk you through each step in your journey.

It’s in our nature that humans are made for connection. Finding the right people through college, and even beyond, who will uplift  and motivate you to achieve your career goals is essential. Similar to how we “are what we eat,” we are who we surround ourselves with, so make those decisions wisely.

About Megan

Megan Morse is a senior at Grand Valley State University studying advertising and public relations. This is Megan’s first year with GrandPR and she currently serves as an account executive. In her spare time, Megan likes going to the beach and outdoor adventures!
