Embrace AI: Transform Fear into Professional Growth

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you are probably aware of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its recent relevance to communications professionals. Soak it in, we are in the dawn of a new technological age.. Whether you are all for it or are living in fear of anything involving it, AI is here to stay and its use will only increase in the coming years. Software like ChatGPT, Google AI, and Microsoft Copilot are at our fingertips, ready to change communications careers as we know it. 

If you are a college student like me, you are fortunate enough to begin your professional career while AI is coming onto the scene. Yes, I said fortunate. Whatever your previous apprehensions are regarding Artificial Intelligence, I am here to tell you AI will not take your future career, and no, there is not a person behind the robot on your Snapchat. With the right knowledge while using the software, it may change your professional life for the better.

Free vs Premium Use

Let's chat about the different kinds of programs you can access and what comes with it. Free AI software programs develop by compiling information that already exists on the internet, along with eating up the information that you are putting into it. For this reason, you must be extremely cognizant of the information that you are putting into the AI software. Your information is essentially training the software. Make a habit of asking yourself  “Would I be okay with the rest of the world knowing this information?” or “Would my client be okay with the rest of the world knowing this?” before typing it into the software. Another rule of thumb is to not put anything into the software that isn’t already accessible online. Always use your best judgment. Beyond free versions of AI programs, you or your company can pay to have your information protected so the software won’t use your information to generate responses for other users. 

How to best use AI for your Career 

Now that we have covered the basic practices surrounding AI, let's delve into how to effectively utilize AI to positively impact your professional life. As communication professionals, we often spend much of our day planning, brainstorming, and outlining. Together, you and AI can be a dynamic duo. For example, you can ask AI to “create a template for a mental health campaign targeted to engage 40-60-year-old men in urban communities.” As a 20-year-old girl, it would be difficult for me to gauge what tactics would be the most efficient for this target demographic. With the help of AI, my brainstorming and research process would be cut in half. Even a free version of AI software can provide me with outside resources on Men’s Mental Health, keywords such as “mental strength,” and give me an idea for a hashtag for my campaign such as #MindWellMen. Additionally, AI software can be used to summarize research findings, streamline content ideation, collect social insight, and much more.

Empower yourself with AI

Don't let the shadows of fear and uncertainty hinder the incredible possibilities that Artificial Intelligence can bring to your professional development. Embrace the era we find ourselves in, where AI is not a threat but a powerful partner that can support us. As a young professional entering the workforce alongside the rise of AI, consider yourself fortunate– it's a transformative tool that can complement your capabilities rather than outshine them. Remember, AI is not about replacing you; it's about enhancing your potential. 

About Eileen

Eileen is a junior studying Advertising and Public Relations with an emphasis in PR and a minor in Marketing. This is her first year in Grand PR and second year in PRSSA. Eileen hopes to work in a PR firm following graduation to get as much experience under her belt as possible, she specifically enjoys working in the nonprofit sector.
