Due To Covid

We are all sick of talking about the pandemic, and I am sure you all have been impacted by the pandemic in one way or another. Symptoms of COVID-19 and the pandemic in general have impacted me and the people that I know in a way that no one is really talking about. We hear about COVID as directly related to case numbers rather than how COVID is indirectly altering our mental state. Let’s talk about a few symptoms of COVID-19 that directly relate to those of us who are currently attending university, shall we?

Image sourced from CalmClinic


Let’s face it: we haven’t been around people as much, and it’s clear the social skills are dwindling. The handshake is less firm, the interpersonal skills are lackluster, and if another person stands TOO close to you you’ll flip. I get it. There is nothing worse than feeling intensely anxious for long periods of time. Need not worry, everyone feels the same way. We are all dealing with a bit of anxiety but the best way to handle this is by making sure that you have something to look forward to every day. Make a list of things that you enjoy, establish your hobbies, and get your body moving! The best way to handle your anxieties is by knowing how to live with them. Do not let them define you.

Brain Fog

It’s harder for us to remember things nowadays because we have been constantly plugged into social media and consuming so much information within such short time spans. Our brains can feel easily mushy and difficult to work with at times. This is something that scientists are actually doing research on now. Through the brain fog and barriers, we can still persist! Do a little bit of reading a day, socialize with those you love, and keep your brain in action. Using your brain as much as you can without pushing yourself into burnout is the key to overcoming this symptom.

Image sourced from Teambuilding


We have practically been hibernating for the past three years, of course you’re tired. Fatigue is real and honey we are all a little down in the dumps. Rather than letting your fatigue decide what kind of day you will have, establish how you can work around this barrier. If you know you have T-2 hours after you wake up before you need a nap, pack in your most important tasks then. Work with the grain rather than against it!

The pandemic has been rough, I get it – says the girl who has developed chronic fatigue herself. Do not let these symptoms be your defining factor. Believe it or not, we have got some life left to live, so let's get out there and live it.

About Lauren

Lauren Stitt is a senior studying Advertising & Public Relations with an emphasis in public relations. Lauren previously held the position of Firm Editor with GrandPR and now serves as the COO (Chief Operations Officer) for her second year with the firm. Lauren currently serves as a public relations intern with 8ThirtyFour Integrated Communications. Lauren hopes to graduate and start working within the creative aspects of the public relations field.
