Crisis Communication: (Re)Building Relationships Through Words

The ability to clearly and concisely communicate is crucial within the world of Public Relations. From press releases to campaign proposals to crisis communication, writing is present in every aspect of the field. High-quality written communication is pivotal to building and maintaining relationships with your publics. Arguably the most important scenario where written communication takes place is crisis communication. Remember, it’s not an if a crisis will strike, it’s when. 

Effective crisis communication is vital to keeping people safe, maintaining brand image and credibility, and sustaining your relationship with your publics. As PR practitioners, we are often the link between a brand and its publics, whether that be employees, stakeholders, or consumers. Something as simple as word choice can be the deciding factor between a brand's ability to come back from a crisis, or the final nail in the coffin. 

Becoming an Effective Communicator 

The path to becoming an effective communicator is a long and winding one and begins with a foundation of honesty and respect. As PR practitioners, operating ethically within communication increases the strength between the brand and its publics and lends the organization credibility.

Understanding the cultural differences between you and the audience you are writing for is crucial. This makes word choice and the tone of messaging incredibly important. Specifically, understanding cultural differences is incredibly important when working within a global context. 

Remaining authentic and honest with your audience will go a long way, especially during a crisis. Covering up a misstep or scandal will only worsen the public response. The key to becoming an effective communicator is relatively simple, keep writing and keep reading. Read press releases and written information from brands you want to work for. Read case reviews of crisis communication campaigns. Understanding how to communicate through written communication is crucial to becoming an effective PR practitioner.

Writing for Crisis Communication 

Writing during a brand's crisis is integral to the public’s response to a crisis. Crisis communication has the same foundation as regular writing within PR, but these foundational elements are magnified tenfold. Every word is that much more important. 

Crisis communication is not the time for flowery language or sprawling posts, it is the time for clear and concise messaging. Avoiding language that might confuse your audience is key to conveying your message. Your initial response to a crisis should be released promptly, with your key stakeholders in mind. All information released should be as accurate and honest as possible. Crisis communication does not only pertain to brand scandals, influencer missteps, or lead-lined cups. It also pertains to natural disasters, school shootings, and public health emergencies. 

Communication during a crisis differs greatly between emergencies. While crisis communication is considered to be a cyclical process, time spent in the active crisis stage can differ greatly, from just hours to weeks to years. Being prepared to transparently communicate with your audience is pivotal in keeping people safe, informed, and connected with the brand you are representing.

Relationship Maintenance Through Writing  

After a crisis ends, rebuilding and maintaining the brand's relationship with the public begins again. This can look different depending on the effectiveness of the response, which is evaluated after the crisis has ended. However, no matter the sucess of the response, a brand must continue to communicate honestly with its publics regarding the aftermath of a crisis. This might include an update on those affected, the termination of an employee, or the ending of a contract with an influencer. 

All aspects of communication lie in the foundational building blocks of honesty, transparency, and respect for your audience. These principles are present in every form of writing in Public Relations. The relationships we build for brands through writing are in a constant state of maintenance and rebuilding. Over time, the brand's identity and stakeholders will shift, and the tone and messaging must shift with it. Understanding how to communicate effectively and efficiently is crucial to becoming a proficient crisis communicator. 

About Ana

Ana Zapata is a Junior studying Advertising and Public Relations. This is her second semester with GrandPR, where she serves as an account associate. She is also a Marketing Intern for the Department of Statistics at GVSU. After graduation, she is hoping to either work on SEO and content management, or within employee relations and DEI.
