Building and Maintaining Relations Amidst a Pandemic
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all been affected as PR pros and students within regards to maintaining our relationships with fellow PR pros and peers. It is difficult to stay in contact with mentors, peers, and family with so much of our workload as students being online. While it is difficult to remain in contact with those that we are already in relationships with it is 10x harder to facilitate relationships with individuals within the PR field if you are unsure of the ways to do so. Here are a few tips and tricks to practice as a PR pro in the making in order to network during a global pandemic.
LinkedIn/Social media
Using social media as we know is crucial to your role as a PR pro. Using social media to find specific people within the community that practice PR can allow PR pros to put a face with a name. Connecting with PR pros in this way can increase your likelihood of being recognized within the PR industry.
Many people are busy during these times in which everyone is glued to their computers which can guarantee you the chance of a PR pro answering your email or LinkedIn message. Setup virtual meetings or email conversations that will allow for you to be in contact with individuals you want to connect with.
Communicate with Classmates
Talk with your fellow classmates. Many of the students within the PR program are involved with something PR related outside of school or in relation to school and simply having a conversation can get you further involved with connecting with people within your major.
Attend PR Thursdays
PR Thursdays are Thursday meetings dedicated specifically to learning something new about PR here at GrandPR. Having a dedicated time or day dedicated to furthering your understanding of what you would like to better understand when it comes to your major can help you prioritize who you should be building relationships with within the field.
Preach What You Practice
You have heard of “practice what you preach” but one thing to try is, preach what you practice. Use the assignments and activities that you are given within your courses, particularly the courses within your major and incorporate those assignments into your everyday tasks rather than simply completing the tasks for a grade. Incorporating the tools you are learning in class within your everyday tasks will prepare you for the workforce you are looking to break into post-college. This will not only help you but it will look good on your LinkedIn and resume.
Many of these tips may seem small initially but in the grand scheme of things will help you foster relationships within your major in order to propel you into the business world of networking. Setting yourself up for success by creating networking opportunities will differentiate you from your competitors and prepare you for future peer and business relationships that are needed in order to succeed in the field of public relations.
Lauren Stitt is a junior at GVSU studying Public Relations and Advertising. She is the editor-elect of GrandPR and will be joining the GrandPR team for her first semester next semester. Lauren enjoys learning PR tactics through practicing them and enjoys spending time with family and friends, baking, and going on walks during her free time.