Tips To Get Through A Stressful Week
With finals approaching and the holidays just around the corner, this time of year can get very stressful and overwhelming. Deadlines are closing in, everything is happening all at once, and all you really want to do is curl up on the couch watching Netflix with a bowl of junk food by your side. How can you not be stressed just thinking about the things you have to do in such a short amount of time?
As a student who works four jobs, goes to school full-time, and likes to give 110% on the job, I get stressed and overwhelmed a lot. Here is what helps me get through it:
1. Make a list: Making a list of all the things you have to do helps organize the tasks. It also helps you remember them, so that you don’t get stressed by accidentally forgetting something. I put tasks that are less time consuming at the top of my lists so that I get them done and out of the way.
2. Set time aside: After making a list of all the things you have to do, set times to do them. Excel has a great schedule layout that you can plug your hours into. This is important so that you can schedule yourself time to focus on one project/task at a time. It’s also lets you set time aside to take breaks, relax and do something fun.
3. Break time is fun time: Setting time aside for fun is key! This is the most important advice to stay stress-free and not get overwhelmed. We get so caught up in the task in front of us that we forget to think about ourselves. What do you like to do for fun? For me, break time includes hanging out with my roommates and friends. Doing something that doesn’t take too much thought can help relax your brain. Afterwards, you can go back to work focused and recharged.
No matter what, remember to take one thing at a time and take time to relax. Taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising will help you stay focused and healthy.
Sophie Klimkiewicz is going on her second year as an Account Associate at GrandPR. She is currently a senior with an Advertising and Public Relation major and an emphasis on Advertising. Sophie has background knowledge in Public Relations from working on campus at the Career Center and Sports Marketing Department. She enjoys seeking opportunities within her major and conquers the challenges that life throws at her. Sophie values learning and challenging herself to be successful.