Self-reflection, as told by the RACE model

When’s the last time you took a step back, looked at what you’ve accomplished and thought about your… feelings.

Self-reflection is extremely important in personal development, which leads to professional development. Reflecting is an attribute of being a successful leader, no matter the shape, size, or position description.

You remember RACE, right? It’s pretty much covered in any type of Public Relations 101 class. Here’s a hint, Research, Action, Communication, Evaluation. Unfortunately with many campaigns, evaluation is often forgotten, but it is also arguably the most important. Without it, how can you learn from your mistakes and prove that your efforts had an impact? Similarly, PR professionals lead such fast-paced lives that we don’t have time to evaluate our personal actions, or to reflect on them.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to apply RACE to your personal life, to ultimately lead to more developed leadership skills.


When it comes to personal development, you’ve already done this step. You have likely researched your college of choice, your major, what classes you have to take, exc. All of us do this naturally. Consider researching potential jobs for after graduation, what position descriptions interest you? Who do you consider to be a great leader and why? Take the Myers-Briggs, Strengthsquest or DiSC.


We practice, practice, and keep practicing creating a defined Action Plan. We set goals, we have a five year plan, we work our tails off! We have objectives, in the form of obtaining a degree, advancing our education, acquiring a job, or whatever it may be. Each day, make sure you are taking steps to reach these goals.


We’re communication professionals, right? But, are we really? We think critically about the best modes of communicating our client’s messages and research different platforms. But when it comes to our daily lives, it’s a lot of go-go-go, and very little “why” and “how.” We send out emails, texts, snaps, and tweets faster than we have time to think twice about what they say. Do you consider what methods of communication are the most effective for the different people you are in contact with?


Here’s where our feelings come in. How are you doing? Okay, so you got an A in Public Relations 101… But what does that mean? What did you learn and how did you do it? Are you concerned about work-life balance? What aspects of your internship or job do you like? How are you communicating to people?

Reflect not only on what your interests are, but what your actions lead to. Evaluate on your actions to deem them successful or determine what you need to do to improve.  We are each leaders in our own way. With this blog, I challenge each of you to reflect on your personal life to determine how you lead.


With the holiday season fast approaching, questions like, “what’s public relations?”, “what are you doing after graduation?” and “how are your classes?” are ones we all need to start preparing answers for.

This year, don’t just settle for the basics. Get rid of answers like, “good!” and “I have no idea.” Use this opportunity to go back to our good ol’ RACE model and apply it to our lives.

Jaclyn Ermoyan is a senior majoring in advertising and public relations and minoring in nonprofit administration and international relations. An experienced member of the GrandPR team, Jaclyn spent her summer working at the GVSU University Development office and in University Communications. Jaclyn can often be found Snapchatting, posting about her love for Grand Valley, or making to-do lists. An avid learner, Jaclyn is always looking to expand her knowledge and apply it in new ways. She loves to innovate, create and problem solve.
