How companies benefit from new years resolutions

It's time to wrap up the holiday season and ring in the New Year with this year's resolutions. While most of us are thinking solo by setting personal goals, the smart ones are applying resolutions to their professional life. Their New Year's resolutions are carrying them above and beyond their competition because they are taking the time to analyze their practices, fix the blemishes, and perfect the positive. Companies too could join in on the benefits by using their New Years resolution as a catalyst for growth.

Step into the light
We all know New Year's resolutions are all about improvement, but this year let's take it one step further. Use choosing resolutions as an opportunity to come out of the dark and gain an accurate picture of your company's situation. Analyzing the situation can help guide you back to achieving or even redefining your companies goals, priorities and values. Give yourself one final chance to reflect on the past before ringing in the New Year. You can't improve until you know where improvement is needed!

Plant the seed
After you have analyzed your business, you can unveil the areas that need improvement. Remember, resolutions are not just a quick fix so use them as proactive steps towards slowly changing your business. How about looking to the future and make resolutions for years down the road instead of just changing for the next few months. Change takes time so plant those seeds, water the crops, and let it grow!

Nourish the success
Ready for the final benefit? Use that accurate picture of your company to recognize the success and celebrate it! The stuff you are doing right is a self-esteem boost, so soak it all in. Maybe one of your personal resolutions should be to celebrate more; there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, why not use it to stimulate more success? Do more this year by perfecting the areas your company is thriving in and push for more.

Do more for you and your company this year by reaping the benefits and going beyond improvement. Try making an action plan for each resolution and hold yourself to making small movements toward improvement. Make this year a step in the right direction towards a better future.



Chelsie graduated from Grand Valley in December with a BS degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and minor in Fine Art. Chelsie spends most of her time toddling in Adobe programs or exploring the latest social media trends. Outside of classes, GrandPR and PRSSA, Chelsie enjoys Netflix, crafting, and spending time with her family and friends. 
