Is All Press Good Press?

So your company has faced a massive, potentially detrimental crisis which has plastered the brand over every headline in the country. Your company’s carelessness has cause massive amounts of sludge and pollution to spill into the Atlantic and senior management has refused to comment. But hey, at least people know your name now, right? (Hint: NO… the answer is definitely no).

As the title has presented, we are exploring if all press is actually good press. Even if you’re not an aspiring PR pro, you have been fed the false notion that some ‘earned’ media, for lack of a better phrase, is better than none at all. One of the oldest marketing jargon in the book. Since you may not know the credentials or significance of branding, let me take you through it briefly.

Reputation and image are what helps avoid controversy and trouble, and what builds brand loyalty and expands an audience. Essentially: no problems, mo’ people, mo’ money.

Or maybe you have forgotten the internet exists. Numerous websites and social media platforms have allowed for two-way communication and continuous trends and accusations that tend to go viral. And most users comment after the headline before reading content further because apparently clickbait is still far-fetched (but really, it’s everywhere). No sources? That’s okay, because if it’s on the internet it MUST be true. And everyone’s opinion is right.

To be more realistic, success typically can’t be met if your publics have you walking on egg shells. Bad press is typically inevitable especially for larger corporations. If you have entered an unavoidable situation for bad press, good news (pun intended). There are a few ways that you can turn it around:

1) Choose a credible speaker, address the situation
Whether it’s the CEO or another designated speaker, releasing an official statement allows control in the situation. Generating your own press should clear up accusations and miscommunication. ProTip: allow the PR pros to write your statements. It’s what we’re here for.

2) Communicate directly with customers and offer some sort of compensation
This is why social media is a beautiful tactic. Not only can the conversation be monitored, but directly addressed. If your audience is unhappy, an apology plus free stuff may be a good direction. There is no bribery in this industry…

3) Recover by moving on quickly (without suspicion)
Why wallow over the past? As long as at least one of the first two items on this list is met, let the next great campaign come alive. Your next success can dig you out of your own grave.



Lindsay Papciak is a senior at Grand Valley majoring in advertising and public relations and minoring in psychology.  As GrandPR’s media director, she has the privilege of maintaining and editing the firm’s blog and social media accounts.  Lindsay currently interns at 834 Design & Marketing and serves as the Vice President of the Grand Valley Dance Troupe.  In her spare time, she can be found swinging in her hammock, watching way too many YouTube videos, or cooking something spicy and delicious.
